Chapter Seven: Don't Screw Around

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Chapter Seven: Don't Screw Around

I have never been so scared in my life. People started running in different directions and screaming. People were jumping out of windows and throwing anything and anyone that was in their way. I couldn't move anywhere. my feet were glued to the ground. I knew I was caught if i ran or didn't. I could hear Jack screaming in my ear and someone tugging my arm but I was stuck.

The doors swung open and police started asking people questions. An officer came up to me and I stopped breathing.

"What's your name?" He asked in a deep voice.

"Rebecca Grier" I answered, my voice shaking.

"How old are you?"


"Have you been drinking?" He asked. I shook my head no as the police started bringing people towards the cop cars.

The officer told me to breathe in the tube and so did Jack. Both came back with no evidence of alcohol. "Did you know there was possession of marijuana upstairs?"

"No" Both Jack and I squeaked out with wide eyes.

"Okay, we will bring you to the station for interrogation."


"How could you have been so stupid Rebecca?" My mom continued to yell at me.

"I didn't want to go to the party. Nash told me he couldn't leave me home and I had no option." I said as tears raced down my face. Of course I called her when I got the first chance and all she did was yell at me. It's not like I was even drinking. Nash was drinking but of course it didn't matter because he didn't get caught.

Nash could do anything and get away with it. Mom didn't even care that I was safe. It only mattered that I was at a party.

"Don't blame your brother"

Doesn't she understand that I wouldn't go to a party by choice?

"No mom it's true. She didn't even want to go."

"Whatever, you have lost your spot on the school lacrosse team"


"Yes. If you are caught near alcohol you are taken off the team"

Tears continued to run down my face and loud sobs came out. I looked at Nash with nothing but hatred. He is the only person to blame and he cost me my lacrosse future. I couldn't see anything but red.

I don't remember what I said to him but it included lots of swearing and yelling. I stormed upstairs and slammed my door and slid down the wall and let my tears fall onto my knees as I curled into a ball.

I could hear people in the hall talking about me. 

"We can tell her once she calms down"

"This news would make her calm down."

"We'll tell her at dinner tomorrow"

"And if she doesn't want to eat?"

"As if she could go a day without eating."

They laughed and continued downstairs.

The way people talked about my eating habits made me really insecure. I know I eat wayyy too much but it didn't show anywhere. I think it's normal to have the same eating habits of a guy if you only hang around guys. Right?

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