Chapter Eight- Forgein Feeling

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        Niall pokes at me once we leave the apartment. "Hey, what's with the scowl? You'll need to keep that pretty boy face."

        I smack away Niall's hand. "Get the hell off."

        Niall raises his eyebrows. "Touche."

        "You okay, Harry?" Louis turns to me and frowns. "You really haven't been yourself lately, and that's really strange."

        I sigh and run another hand through my hair; I'm starting to form it as a habit now -a-days. "I guess I've been stressed,"

        Zayn narrows his eyes. "You don't seem to like Gracie too much. Is that what this is about?"

        "No..." In fact, I really didn't know why I was acting this way. In reality, I should be nice to Gracie. I should be befriending her. It would make sense since I was supposed to protect and look after her. She was assigned to me after all. I groan and get in the car ignoring everybody, which almost seems impossible with Niall in my presence. I stare outside the window and watch somberly as rain starts to beat hard on the window reflecting my horrid mood. 

        "I think all the girls are great," I hear Liam say while I was drifting into a daze. 

        Niall's annoying laugh reaches my ears. "I know, I think we're gonna have fun with them!"

        "Now don't scare them off!" Eleanor speaks up with a laugh.

        Normally I would've joined in I guess. I'm not always Mr. Moody, if  that's what you've been thinking. But for some reason, everyone is annoying me at the moment. I wish they would talk about Niall's obsession with Nandos instead of Gracie and her friends. My mind starts to wander to Gracie and an unfamiliar warmness starts to spread across my chest.  What was this? Was the Father down Below trying to speak to me?'s not that. Then the darkness would start to fall upon me which isn't really happening at the moment. 

        What the hell is...happening to me? I was thinking of Gracie's smile...her eyes....her skin...her lips for Christ's sake. WHY!? I hit my head on the window in frustration. What in the world was happening to me? Maybe this came with having to protect her.  aren't thinking what I think you are thinking right....

        A faint voice runs throughout my entire being and immediately the warmness in my chest escaped quickly. 

        No, my lord, I have not the faintest idea what you're talking about.

        I hope you are thinking about draining her... 

        Of lord...

        When I felt his presence leave my I cursed under my breath and groaned inwardly.

        This was going to be a lot more difficult than I thought....

        And on top of that, what was that warm feeling I had gotten a little bit ago? When I glanced at Niall he gave me that knowing smile. That only frustrated me more to know that Niall knows more than I do. But of course he knows more than I....I'm just apart of the Fallen. Niall flashes a bright white smile and turns to talk to the others. 

        Being a Guardian Angel from heaven, you'd think you'd feel so comfortable and welcome around Niall. 

        I just feel really, really, really pissed off..

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