Chapter Twenty-Six- What I've Lost

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   We rushed back to England with my mother this time. She was determined to sell our old house and get a new one in England near the girls' and I's apartment. I just couldn't forget how frail Kristan was when I left her. I fiddled with a ring on my finger. I've been doing it the whole flight to England. I guess it's becoming a new habit. Harry took notice, like he always does, and grabs my hand firmly but gently.

        "She'll be okay," He reassures in a strong voice as he stands to grab our bags. He seemed so sure of the future. As if nothing negative was waiting back at the hospital. But I wasn't stupid. I had seen the slight flash of doubt in Harry's jade eyes when he reassured me. It was so faint it was almost unnoticeable. Harry was prodigious at hiding his feelings. But not that good around me. And even that slightest bit of doubt he let show worried me. That means it's almost too big to hide from me.

        Fear wouldn't keep its claws off of me as Harry drove my mother and I to the hospital.

        "I hope she's okay," My mother leans from the backseat and takes my hand firmly.

        "Me too," My voice cracked, which I hated. I received a worried glance from Harry because of that. But I wouldn't allow myself to speak anymore. When we arrived, finally, I sprinted into the hospital leaving my mother and Harry behind.

        Niall stopped me at the door. "Gracie..."

        "Move out of the way Niall," As much as I liked Niall, I didn't want anyone in my way at the moment.

        "Gracie," Niall murmurs again catching my arm. "Kristan...she's in real bad shape,"

        I put my hand on Niall's and hesitated to rip his hand off my arm. "Is she awake?"

        "Well, yes..." Then I looked at Niall clearly.

        His bright blue eyes looked dull and paled now, and they were also severely blood shot from lack of sleep. His face was even more pale than usual, and his blonde hair was disheveled and greasy. I've never, ever seen Niall like this.

        "Niall," Harry's voice was coming closer. "Just let her go."

        Niall nods reluctantly and lets go of my arm. I resisted the urge to run into Harry's  strong arms and just cry until I passed out. But I wouldn't allow myself that luxury with Kristan laying in bed upstairs. I gave Harry a quick nod before taking the elevator up to Kristan's room.

        When I arrived to her room I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. In all honesty, she looked absolutely horrible. Her lively eyes didn't seem lively anymore. They were drained and tired; they completely lost their spark. That old spark I was so familiar with. The girl in front of me wasn't the girl I know.

        Thalia and the boys weren't in the room, and I frowned wondering where they were.

        "I sent them out," Kristan gave me a small feeble smile. Her voice was uncharacteristically small, yet hoarse. "I wanted just us to talk,"

        I sat at her bed side taking her hand delicately. "You're going to be okay, right?"

        She didn't answer; she just stared at me for a few moments. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun, and sweat coated her forehead. "I've been having a lot of nightmares since you guys left for America. I'm afraid to sleep. Thalia told me what happened, but I already knew. I was possessed, wasn't I?"

        I nodded almost feeling detached now that I thought back. I didn't even bother to hide a shiver. Kristan nodded at my reaction. "And...Harry isn't who he seems either, huh?" She speaks even softer.

     "He'd never hurt you, or me, or anyone good," My voice cracked a bit.

        "He's still unpredictable," She whispers. "I want you to be careful," She looks around the room paranoid. "That...thing that possessed me wanted you. That's all it kept thinking about," She barely squeezes my hand in total fear. "He won't stop, Gracie."

        "I know," I whisper back squeezing her hand back. "But Harry and I will finish him. He's gone, just for now."

        "Gracie," She speaks lowly. "I know I'm not going to make it. So promise me you will,"

        " No, no you're going to make it," I gripped her hand like a vice.

        "Gracie, let's be realistic here," She gives me a sharp pensive look that I never saw her give before. "I'm going to die here; the doctors gave it to me straight when I demanded an answer. I already feel my body deteriorating. My body can't handle the hemorrhaging that demon gave me from possessing my body."

        Tears slowly escape from my eyes and hit my whitened knuckles from holding onto her hand so hard. "He can't take another person away from me,"


        "He killed my father," More tears stained the sheets. "He can't kill you too"

        Her eyes widened ever so slightly. "So...that's what happened to your dad?"

        "Yeah," I narrow my eyes.

        "Woah," She whispers in surprise and then looks down at our intertwined hands. "I just...don't want you go crazy and become someone you're not when I'm gone,"

        I nod slowly. "You don't deserve to die though: I do."

        She manages to roll her eyes. "Just shut up, okay? I trust Harry and especially Niall to take care of you. You'll be okay. I will be okay,"

        "You will?"

        "Of course," She sighs and closes her eyes.


        "Shh..." She trails off. "I'm tired,"

        I tried to keep from shaking. "Then go to sleep. Don't worry I'll be right here,"


        After a several minutes I saw her face finally become peaceful.

        I didn't need the heart monitor to know she was gone.

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