Chapter Eleven- First Touch

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        The next morning we were on our way back to England after visiting my mom for a few hours. Harry decided to stay at the hotel and wait for us. It was stupid of me to even be disappointed. Did I really expect Harry to come along and meet my mother? Did I really expect them to hit it off, and have her embarrass me by saying, "You two are so cute together!"
        The sad part was, a tiny part of my teenage mind wanted that. Really bad. I turned red at the thought and shook my head to hopefully empty that strange fantasy of mine. Harry and I were nothing. We weren't even friends! It was just the fangirl in me probably, and it needed to stop. From now on he's technically my boss; all five of them are, and I may need to act just a little more professional. Of course Kristan and Thalia could pull off the causal joking with the other boys. I've been awkward all my life I guess.
        "By the way, we're doing a mini tour around England this October." Zayn mentions as they walk us up to our apartment. "Making us a few outfits would be really great for us,"
        Liam smiles warmly. "That's a great idea! Something...fall-ish."
        Thalia smiles wide. "Almost like...a collection?"
        Louis nods. "Yeah, whatever you guys want. Our whole wardrobe or just a few outfits."
        The end of August was approaching, and the boys were already prepared for fall. I smiled to myself thinking of the possibilities of their fall collection for their mini England tour. At least this time we had more time to mull over our designs instead of something totally last minute.
        "If you're up for it we have a concert next week," Niall speaks up. "You guys can make us an outfit for it? We're opening for a fair put on in England. You guys should come as well and see the show."
        Kristan nods happily. "Of course! We'll get to designing right away."
        "I'll send your guy's pay check in the mail tomorrow!" Eleanor shouts and waves as they get back into the limo.
        I try not to look at Harry as I walk back into the apartment.
        "I'll take Niall and Zayn!" Thalia sings as she steps inside.
        "Louis and Liam all the way!" Kristan giggles. "I hope Liam likes his..."
        "Guys, I feel weird just doing Harry's," I turn red at the thought just working on Harry's outfit. And he never seemed like he liked my designs anyway; would he be impressed with my work?
        "That's the point," Kristan says plopping on the couch. "We've talked to the other boys non stop, but Harry seems to only socialize with you when we're around them. You know him better than Thalia and I."
        "K-Know him?" I fluster more shaking my head. "I barely know him any more than you guys do!"
        Thalia rolls her eyes. "Honestly, just design his outfit, okay?"
        I cursed under my breath but agreed anyway. I mean, the worst thing Harry could do was throw it away I guess. But maybe he'd actually do that. I shake my head; no, I have to do this I know I can. I got to sketching right away.
        The day of the concert we had the boy's outfits ready for the day. With Eleanor's modest paycheck we were able to buy new outfits for the event. I guess I decided to have more of a purple theme today.  I didn't really have a specific style, but I was definitely leaning more towards Thalia's style this time. Kristan was a bit on the casual side with her hair in a nice side ponytail instead of her usual high one. Thalia definitely dressed the part with her British-Pride shirt and new shorts.
        We drove the car that was given to us graciously by the boys and made our way to the festival. Crowds of girls were waiting and screaming anxiously. We covered our ears wincing hoping we'd actually find a place to park around here. After finding a spot we quickly made our way back stage where the boys met us with huge bear hugs.
        "Thought the crows swallowed you up, we did!" Niall laughs looking out and waving; girls swooned and screamed back.
        Liam eyed the bags containing the outfits. "So these are our outfits for the evening,"
        I smile brightly. "Yep!" I was really looking forward to how they were going to look on them. We had worked extra hard this week.
        Harry cuts in running a comb through his still messy hair. "Do we have any back up cloths?"
        Thalia frowns. "Why would you need any back up ones?"
        Harry shrugs. "In case I don't like your designs of course,"
        At that moment it was so silent you could hear a pin drop. Simultaneously we gawked at him in disbelief. How rude could you get? I clenched my fists not even wanting to give him the outfit I worked so hard on anymore. Did he know how hard we-
        Niall's voice cut into my thoughts. "Harry, that wasn't very nice. These girls worked really hard on these."
        Harry narrowed his eyes but said nothing. The girls and I exchanged looks. Thalia looked like she was about to rip someone's head off. Kristan held back the urge to probably go off.
        Louis waves Harry off. "He's not normally like that. He just underestimates people all the time."
        But he didn't need to say something like that...
        Kristan struggled a smile like me and handed him the clothes in huge protective bags. "That's alright, I hope you guys really like our designs."
        Louis smiles brightly. "I know I love them, and Harry won't admit it but I think he likes them too."
        "We'll be outside in the pit then," Thalia pulls on our hands straining a fake smile.
        When we waved goodbye we hurried outside passed all of the screaming girls and into the pit. Thalia was seething by then crossing her arms in frustration.
        "The nerve of him!" Kristan tightened her fists. "What is wrong with him!?"
        I run a hand through my hair with a large sigh. "I don't know really. He's much more difficult to figure out than I thought."
        "I thought he was cool and funny and sweet," Thalia grumbles. "Is he really this much of a jerk in real life?"
        I looked up at the empty stage wondering the same exact thing. But...somehow I knew there was more to Harry than he led on. He could be warm...and nice. When he wanted to be at least. I just feel like he treats Thalia and Kristan that way because I'm around. I wonder if he'd be nicer in my absence. I bit my lip nervously and sighed. When the boys finally got on stage wearing our designs for them (pic on here) I smiled they looked so good.
        "Wow, we did a really nice job," Thalia raises her eyebrows. "It was made by us, but we definitely got their style down, huh?"
        As they started off singing I Would I couldn't stop dancing with Thalia and Kristan even after our previous burn from Harry. I saw his warm smile, and I knew I was in trouble. I liked Harry. Like, liked him, which was a bad idea.
        Famous Designer Rule #1: Never fall for a famous heartthrob client.
        Girl Rule #1: Never fall for a jerk.

Well, I was definitely breaking the rules...
        After the show we hurried back stage to be practically tumbled on by the boys, all except Harry of course.
        "The outfits rocked!" Zayn smiles.
        "You guys continue to shock us," Niall winks. "I did a great thing making you three our new head designers."
        "Happy to be of service," Thalia smiles back brightly.
        "Just remember you have some hard work ahead working for us and Eleanor," Liam raises his eyebrows. "Ready for the challenge?"
        "Of course!" All three of us shout.
        The boys laugh and start talking about random things. As usual I zone out a little bit seeing Harry sneak away. Perplexed, I followed him knowing he was 'supposed' to be a social person. And even so, shouldn't he at least give his gratitude to our hard work or something? Rounding the corner it was dark, so I really couldn't see much. Deciding to just let it go and turn back I feel a large hand grab my arm squeezing it to the point where I winced.
        "Ow! What the hell?"
        "Oh, it's you," Harry's voice says and lets go of my arm. "You continue to cause me trouble, huh?"
        I pull back and rub my arm while glaring in the darkness. "I just wanted to say it's nice working for you, but you don't seem too happy about it. Do you have a problem with us? With me?"
        All of a sudden a light turns on, and I fully realize how close Harry and I really were. He was still wearing his blazer and shirt. He smelled absolutely amazing. I quickly looked away so that he didn't see the major affect he had on me.
        "I guess you could say I have a little bit of an issue," His voice was low.
        "You hate my designs?"
        "Not exactly. I guess Louis was right, I did underestimate you."
        "What is your problem with me in specific? I've been nothing but professional towards you. We don't have to be friends," Even though I really wanted to...
        "You give away so much in your eyes,"
        I glare. "W-What are you talking about?"
        He catches my chin in his warm hand. "I want me to kiss you right now."
        "H-Harry...?"  And I wanted him to kiss me...I wanted his lips on mine.
        He lets go of my chin all of a sudden and turns away. "Don't think of me that way...ever again. We can't be."
        I stand there blinking in confusion. That little touch just on my chin left my body aching and blazing. I wondered what it would be like to have him hold me. I kept my tears in and shook my head. I was so foolish, and I was just like any other girl who wore their heart on their sleeve. I stood with a clenched fist, but mustered a broken smile he couldn't see.
        "Goodbye Harry," I turned on my heel and left as quickly as I could before my heart poured tears out of my eyes.

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