Chapter 1 The song

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It was a clear midnight sky. The clouds slowly rolling away from the moon, giving the Earth light. Snow was dusted along the ground and the street lamps glowed a soft yellow. The street was quiet and not a sound was in sight. 

But in the rooms of houses glowed a golden sunshine. The children were dreaming about good things thanks to the Sandman. No nightmares were in sight.

Except for two shadows wandering around. The soared through the sky, giving delight and hope for children all around. The Sandman was working, spinning dreams of goodness to the world. He made sure that not a single child was dreaming about a fear they had.

As for the other shadow...

He was zooming around the block; scattering the snow everywhere. The winds picked up as he flew through the sky. This was Jack Frost; trying to make a snow day for the children. He was all about fun with children.

He slid down to the street and start to skate on it. He made the roads icy. Now it was guaranteed the kids would have a snow day. He called to the winds to pick up. They roared around the streets bearing a chilly affect.

"Perfect." Jack replied flying up to the Sandman," Now the kids will get a day off of school. Everything is looking cold."

The Sandman nodded and pointed to the city which seem dim and not as bright as the streets.

"You want to go to the city Sandy?" Jack asked," Sure, we got plenty of time before we have to be back. Let's go."

The headed north to the dim, unfriendly city. Sandy went to work on the dreams while Jack had a fun time making the roads slippery. It only took a few minutes before the whole city looked like a Christmas Tree. Sandy went down to Jack when he was done with the dreams.

"It's perfect for ice skating on." Jack said.

Sandy nodded and made a little sand picture of the North Pole.

"Ok, I guess we will go back to the pole to see what else they need." Jack assumed.

They started to head back north when suddenly, Jack stopped. He thought he heard a faint voice, like a quiet whisper. He turned around and listened. He heard it again.  It was soft, beautiful, singing voice of a girl.  All he heard was,

" I fought all through the night. Oh, oh but I made it alive. The sun is starting to rise. Oh, oh these are beautiful times. This fight of my life is so hard, so hard, so hard. But I'm gonna survive. Oh, oh these are beautiful times..."

He also thought he heard an instrument playing. He wanted to know who was singing. He started to go the opposite direction when someone grabbed him. He quickly turned and saw Sandy with a question mark made out of sand.

"Sorry Sandy," Jack apologized, "I thought I heard something. Let's move."

They left the luminous city and into the fluffy clouds. Jack still remembered that voice just in case he heard it again. He didn't tell Sandy about it because what if it was nothing at all. Maybe he was just dreaming about stuff again.

It only took them a little bit before they reached the North Pole. It was snowing lightly with the temperature colder than usually. Sandy and Jack were greeted by the huge, fluffy yetis. They led them through the pole where the elves were at work. They led them to the Easter bunny, Tooth fairy, and Saint Nickles himself.

"Sandy, Jack you made it back alright." North replied, "Any uncanny to report?"

"Nothing." Jack answered, "No signs of Pitch or his horses."

"That's a relief." Tooth mentioned. "He's still out there you know. I thought I remembered him in the shadows one night. It could have been fake."

"Maybe not Tooth." Bunny said, "He's probably plotting revenge. Who knows what he has in store for us."

"Well whatever it is; we're going to stop him." Jack assured, "We always have."

"Jack's right," North agreed, "There is nothing to worry about. Although we should check to see how many believers we have currently."

"I'll go check," Jack volunteered.

Jack left the room to see the huge globe. When he was out of sight, Sandy began to make shapes out of the golden sand.

"Sandy what are you doing?" Tooth asked.

Jack slid through the yeti and raced to the globe. It stood in the middle of the North Pole. It was still spinning, which was a good sign. There were millions of glowing dots that looked like stars . All those dots represented at child that believed in them.

"Well nothing suspicious here." Jack thought walking away from it.

But then something caught his eye. The was small and could not be seen very well. It was a small pink dot next to the other golden ones. Jack turned back and saw another one; same color same size. There were about one hundred of these.

"Ok that's strange..." he thought, "Maybe it's broken."

He flew back to the room to report what he saw. But before he went in, he heard them talking. He listened closely to what they were saying.

"So you didn't heard it, but Jack did." Tooth replied.

Sandy nodded his head.

"How could Jack heard it but not you? Could it be Pitch?" Bunny asked.

"Bunny, it's not Pitch," North answered, "I wouldn't be surprised Jack can hear it. After all, it is getting close to that holiday."

Jack heart nearly skipped a beat. "What holiday is this?" He thought, "And who was it about?"

He walked in causally and sat down like he didn't hear a single word they said.

"North," Jack began, "I think that globe might be broken."

"Why?" North asked," What's wrong with it?"

"When I was observing it, I saw pink dots next to the golden ones." Jack stated, "I've never seen that before."

North's face quickly panic for a second and when back to its normal expression. " I think your right Jack. Sometimes it has been acting odd lately. I will look into that." He answered.

They all sat in silence for a while until Tooth broke it.

"Well, I have to go check how the palace has been. I will be back before it gets dark." She replied.

"Yeah I got to go paint some eggs for Easter. It's coming soon you know." Bunny said leaving with Sandy following him.

It was just Jack and North. North could tell something was wrong by Jack's expression.

"You alright Jack?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm going to see how my plan for a snow day went." Jack stated noticing that the sun was rising.

"Alright. See you later then." North replied.

Once Jack left the pole, He headed back to the street's to see if his idea worked. He still remembered the voice inside his head.

"Why can I hear that voice but no one else can?" Jack pondered flying through the sky.

Hi readers! Since Valentines Day was coming I thought I would write a love  story. And who else to do it on but Jack Frost! I hope you enjoyed this chapter because there will be another one coming soon.


Before I forget, here is the song used in this part; Beautiful Times by Owl City. Check it out if you want to hear it.

As usual, I do not not own anything. Dream-works own the rights to these characters and Owl City owns the right to the song.

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