Chapter 10 Heartbreak

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Cleo was shaking after what she just saw. Chloe, her enemy was her best friend when they were kids. They had many adventures and had fun. Then jealously broke upon her friend; causing them both to die. Cleo replayed that scene where Chloe had shot her in her mind. She could feel the arrow going straight through her heart. She tried to get up, but she couldn't.

"This all happened because she fell in love with the same boy?" She thought, "We could have worked it out, but she wouldn't listen."

She looked at her reflection in the cool water. She thought of the sweet, kind person Chloe used to be. She was her best friend...and now she was her greatest enemy.  Anger got lose in her as she fought back the tears.

"I don't understand!" She yelled at the sky, "She was my friend! Now she's just a horrible witch! What happened to the girl I used to know?"

She buried her head into her legs trying to think of a solution, but nothing came into her mind. How could she possibly take down her friend?  It would have been better if her memories came back after she fought her friend.

"The girl you used to know never left." A voice said.

Cleo jerked up. She looked around the forest but could see anyone. She thought it was her imagination acting up. She took a quick glimpse at the water and saw something different. It was a different face of a teenage girl. She had blond hair, blue eyes, but a silver outfit.
Cleo studied the reflection more closely and realized that it was...

"Chloe?" She whispered; not sure if it was her friend or an allusion.

"Hi Cleo," The reflection replied, "I've missed you."

"You look..."

"Normal? Yes I am back to my old self; the one I like before I transformed."

"But you can't be her; your evil."

"Yes, only 99% of me is, but 1% is still good."

Cleo's eyes began to water, "I've missed you."

"So have I." Chloe replied," Cleo, I'm sorry about being jealous. I just wanted a happy ending with the right man. It looks like Jack wasn't for me."

"You don't need to apologize. I understand."

"No, I do because I killed you."

"I did the same thing to you."

"Yeah but I did it out of jealously and revenge. You did it to save Jack."

"I forgive you."

"I'm so lucky to have such a good friend." She admitted, "But I came here to warn you. Chloe is planning to make her perfect ended. She is turning Jack evil."


"She thinks it will make him see that she was the one all along, but she isn't. If her plans work, then she can bring the whole world into darkness and despair. You need to stop her!"

"I can't. Your my friend, and I cannot destroy you again."

"Cleo, that girl is not me! This is the girl that was your friend. She is nothing but a girl who feeds on misery. You can and you will destroy her!"

"Your right..." She said, "But what will happen to you? You'll get destroyed..."

"Don't worry about me." She said, "Whatever happens will be for the good. I believe you can stop her."

The reflection of Chloe vanished, showing Cleo's face again. She stood up and stretched her wings out still grasping the golden box. Only one question lingered.

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