Chapter 8 Love Hurts

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The rain started to lighten; freshening the air. The clouds started to move along and revel the night sky. Star shinned, trying to leave more light than the moon itself. A soft breeze wafted through the air. It blew through the garden where Jack and Cleo remained, still lips locked on to each other.

For a minute, they stopped. They stared at each other and smiled as they held each others hands. They headed for the bench and sat close to each other. Cleo rested her head on Jack's shoulder.

"It would have been a perfect night if it wasn't raining." Cleo said, bursting a pink beam toward the sky. It immediately stopped raining.

"How did you do that?" Jack asked.

"I can alter anything to make people fall in love Jack." Cleo said, "I have decided that it needs to stop raining and it happened."

"Interesting." Jack said, "I thought I was the only one who can control weather."

"Not anymore." Cleo said, "Jack, I have to tell you something. Tomorrow is a very special day; a holiday as a matter a fact. It's a holiday were people remember there love for others. Ever heard of it?"

"Never." Jack answered, "What's it called?"

"Valentine's Day," Cleo replied, "And its a day were my power is the strongest. With it, I can do anything pure good, but I can't do it alone. I was wondering if you would like to join me."

"Like a date?" Jack asked her.

"Well..." Cleo began her cheeks blooming pink, "Kind of..."

"Sure, I mean I have no where else to go since I froze my friends," Jack said, " I wouldn't mind. What time were you thinking?"

"We can met in the heart of town when the sun sets." Cleo said, "But for now, let's enjoy the time we have."

"We shall see Cleo." The girl said through the crystal ball, "I will definitely see you tonight."

They stayed there all night, looking at the stars. They rarely said anything because they didn't want  to spoil the moment. Eventually, the sun rose and Cleo had to leave. Cleo said goodbye to Jack and flew off into the orange rays.

Once Cleo was out of sight, Jack sprinted off into the forest. He couldn't go back to the Pole, not after the way he treated the Guardians. He sat near the cool, glassy, water, He wanted to look good for Cleo since it would technically be there first date. He needed to get clean, so he took his clothes off and jumped in the lake.

Cleo wished she had all day to get ready but she couldn't. She had to make sure that she had enough power for tonight. She wanted to surprise Jack because he had been so kind to her. She had to thinking hard, as she made sure that her couples were succeeding. She didn't waste a minute.

                                                                          *Time Passes*

Jack looked at his reflection in the ice he froze. He wanted to make sure that he was perfect for Cleo. He decided to bring her a gift. Earlier, he made a bracelet of pure snow and ice that would never melt.  He also picked a rose for Cleo, because she reminded him of a rose. He hoped that clothes would do because that was all that he had; just a plain blue hoodie and brown pants. He looked at the sky, which dazzled with purples, pinks an blues. Sunset was beginning, and Jack flew towards the heart of the town.

Cleo had a little time left to make sure she looked beautiful. She was wearing a  strapless pink ball gown dress with her long hair down. The dress had a special ability which allowed her to change back into her original fight dress.  Her make up was done neatly and she smelled like sweet strawberries. She wasn't that far from the heart of the town so she headed there.

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