Chapter 6 Strange Feelings

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It was now night at the Pole. The Northern Lights petrified the the darkness of the night. Jack promised to meet Cleo at the park tonight. He looked at his clock which read 11:30 p.m. He had at least thirty minutes to get there. Jack looked at himself in the mirror. He wanted to look nice for Cleo. Besides, Cleo looked better than anyone.

'Well that is because her power is love,' Jack thought.

He was about to head out the door when he reached into his pocket, and found the glass bottle. This was the same bottle that Cleo used to heal him with. He placed it on his nightstand.

'It's not like the Guardians are going to come in here any time soon,' Jack thought slowly opening the door to check if anyone was there.

Nobody was in the hallway. It didn't seem odd because of how late it was at night. Even the lights were off which seem strange. Jack quietly walked out of his room and closed the door. He wanted to make it seem like he was still there and not sneaking out. He walked carefully, hoping one of the floor boards didn't creak.

He made his way down to the second floor. He looked back to made sure no one was behind him. He felt kind of bad that he was leaving. He heard a slight creaking noise. Jack turned and saw no one there. Shaking his head, Jack shock the thought of guilt out of his mindand opened the door into a world of coldness . He closed the door gently and flew toward the little town.

"He's gone North." Bunny said emerging from the couch he was hiding in.

"Alright everyone come on out." North replied exiting from a wardrobe.

Tooth came out from under the stairs. On her way up to her friends, she switched on the lights. The Sandman popped out from the globe.

"Let's hurry," North said, "We don't know when Jack will be back."

"Guys, I still have a bad feeling about this." Tooth admitted, "We shouldn't do this. It will make Jack angry at us."

"Tooth, this is for Jack's safety." Bunny responded," We have to know, wherever he likes it or not. Let's go."

The ran up to Jack's room and slammed the door open. Nothing seem out of the ordinary. His room was pretty neat despite being a teenager. The Guardians spent 15 minutes looking for evidence that Jack has been with Cupid. They couldn't find anything that could prove he was with her.

"See guys?" Tooth said," I told you Jack wasn't hiding anything."

"I can't find anything, "Bunny replied.

"Well it looks like you were right Tooth." North admitted, "We should have trusted Jack. Looks like he hasn't met Cupid yet. Let's get out of here."

Tooth and North were out the door. Bunny was about to leave, when the Sandman poked Bunny to get his attention.

"What is it Sandy?" He asked

The Sandman's hand pointed toward Jack's nightstand. Bunny took a closer look and found the bottle that Jack placed on the nightstand.

"Uh guys?" Bunny called, "You might want to come back in here."

Tooth and North came back into the room as Bunny showed them the bottle. "Here's proof." Bunny replied.

Tooth gasped and put her hands over her mouth. North shock his head in anger.

"Why Jack...why?" He replied.

"We need to confront him about this." Bunny said.

Jack made it to the park with five minutes to spare. He looked around but couldn't find Cleo anywhere. She still had time to show up. Jack hope that he looked fine. He still wanted to impress her. He stood by the monument that they were at last night. For some reason, his stomach felt weird. He kind of felt a little nervous but he didn't know why. Then all of the sudden, he heard her voice close by. He looked over the monument and saw Cleo by the pond. She was looking at her reflection; making sure she look pretty. Jack took a deep breath in and went over to her.

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