Chapter 5 Suspicion rising

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It was still dusk out as a soft breeze blew from the air. The grass was fresh with morning dew and the stars still beamed across the sky. The streets were still silent with nobody out and the lamps lost their glow. Everything was quite and peaceful.

Cleo and Jack flew across the city. They wanted to get out of the street they were in, and find another place to get to know each other. They flew close together in order to hear each other.

"Where do you want to go?" Cleo asked.

"Down by the park." Jack replied.

They passed the square of the town. Usually people called it the heart of town because that is where most of the shops are. They took a few turns until they found the park. The park looked much better at night than day. It was more quite and tranquil there than when kids are there. The pond was now frozen over completely and the sidewalks were iced over.

  "Nice choice." Cleo said sitting on a monument.

"It's the only place I knew that would be perfect." Jack said, sitting next to Cleo.

"Yeah...It is a nice place." Cleo sighed.

They didn't say anything for a while. They just looked at the park, glistening with white snow. The lamps gave off a sunny yellow making the snow sparkle. Jack wave his hand to make it snow. Soon small little snowflakes hovered across the town.

"You made it snow!" Cleo exclaimed.

"The town needed it." Jack admitted.

"Jack," Cleo said," What's it like to be a Guardian?"

Jack looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"What's it like to be known to the world? What is it like to help kids? What does it feel like to be believed in?"

"Well," Jack began," It's not easy. You have to make sure that children believe in you, otherwise you with disappear from them. Plus you have to protect from evil, like Pitch. When I was becoming one, I had to help save the children. Afterwards, it felt great. It feels like your human again and someone understands you. It feels like your not alone in the dark anymore.

Cleo smiled. "It must feel nice."

'"Yeah, it is," Jack stated," Cleo, what can you use your powers for? I mean you have a bow and arrow, which is a nice choice, but what do you use it for?"

"Well, I have a lot of special abilities." Cleo began, "It's kind of hard to explain. Let me show you."

Two squirrels came scampering down to the ground to look for food. Cleo's hands were surround by a rosy pink color. She shot two beams hitting both of the squirrels. They immediately fell in love with each other.

"How did you...?" Jack exclaimed.

"I made them fall in love." Cleo explained," Jack, I have my bow and arrow to defend myself from enemies and to make people fall in love. My beams also work as well. I also use potions to heal and harm anyone trying to hurt me. My purpose is to make people fall in love."

"Do they know it was you do this?" Jack asked.

"No, that's the problem." Cleo said," I don't make every couple fall in love. The ones I do make together don't know it was me helping them. The reason is because I'm not a guardian."

"But how is your power so strong?"

"Simple, my power comes from love. I can control all love and relationships."

"What about break ups?"

"Well usually I don't have many couples break up." Cleo admitted, "But I do have the power to do that only  when I cannot fix the problem. I always hate doing that."

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