Chapter 7 The Truth About Cleo

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The sunrise blossomed pinks and oranges into the morning sky. The street lamps were shut off and many people began to wake up. Some were already on there way to work or studying early. As usual, there was traffic near the city, with a bunch of cars creating commotion. If that didn't wake you up, then you were out cold.

Sunlight was the reason Jack woke up. He rubbed his eyes and shock his head to wake up. He stood up and looked around.

"What happened...?" Jack said rubbing his head trying to remember.

Then it came to him. He was with Cleo and they were hanging out. They were ice skating and she was pretty good. Then a monster attacked them and they successfully beat it, but they both blacked out...together. He remembered he saved her from falling and they both collapsed into each other.

"Cleo?" Jack called looking around for his friend," Cleo!"

Nobody was there. She was gone.

"She is gone by morning and here by night." Jack replied to himself.

Then Jack felt something in his left hand, which was in a fist. He let his hand loose and discovered a piece of paper. It was plain white. Jack opened the note to see pink handwriting.

Jack, if you are reading this, I am gone because I had to get to work. Last night was fun, until the monster attacked us. I was really glad that we took it down together. Anyway, I need to see you again, hopefully this time without any disruptions. Please meet me at the town garden, its near the park, at midnight. Cleo

Jack folded the letter back the way it was and put it in his pocket. "I will Cleo." He said softly.

Suddenly the town clock struck seven. It began to ring the bell seven times. Once Jack heard the seventh, he panicked.

"Oh no! I've been gone to long!" Jack said, flying back to the pole, "I've got to make it back before the Guardians see that I left."

Jack was there in only 15 minutes. He couldn't let them know. He didn't know how to explain it...but he felt weird when he was with Cleo, like she wasn't a friend anymore.  Whatever it was, it was his business, not theirs.

Jack opened the door that he escaped from last night. He slipped through and shut it quickly. He sighed.

"Back so soon Jack?" Bunny asked him.

Jack literately jumped on the inside. He turned to see his friends sitting there at the study area...waiting for him.

"I...was...just out for a walk..." Jack lied.

"Likely story Jack," Bunny replied, "Sit down."

Jack walked slowly into a chair were the others were. He had a feeling they found out something.

"Jack we know where you were last night." North began.

"What are you talking about? I was here, at the Pole." Jack lied.

"No you weren't," Bunny said, "We saw you leave Jack, you lied to us. We found this and everything made sense."

Bunny placed the potion bottle on the table. Jack was shocked.

"How did you find this?!? Did you go into my room?!?" He asked angrily.

"Jack, we had no choice," Tooth admitted, " You were acting suspicious and...we...we had to know what was going on. So we went into your room and found this."

"I can't believe you guys did this!" Jack yelled, " I feel betrayed!"

"Jack you LIED to us." North said, " You didn't tell us who you were with."

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