Chapter 9 Hidden Memories

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A shining golden light woke Cleo up. She knew she was dead for sure. If Chloe broke her heart, then she would be dead. As she opened her eyes all the way, she realized that she was still in the heart of the town. She didn't die, she was knocked out.

"Oh..." She moaned feeling her side. For an odd reason, it wasn't bleeding anymore. Confused, she reached to her chest knowing that there was damage done. She couldn't find anything to suggest that her heart was broken.

"Who healed me?" She asked herself.

Her eyes were blinded by the same light that woke her up. The light was coming from a small man, made entirely out of sand.

"The Sandman?" She gasped as the man tried to help her up, "Why did you heal me?"

"Because of your good heart." a gentle voice said.

Cleo head snapped as she saw the guardians appear from the side.

"The Guardians," She whispered softly, "I should be going."

"Wait Cupid." North said that stopped her in her tracks.

"Cleo," She corrected.

"Cleo, we're sorry we judged you." He apologized, "We thought Chloe was you and we were afraid that Jack would get harmed. It was a misunderstanding."

"It's okay," Cleo replied, "Chloe and I are...similar...but I am not evil."

"We know now but Cleo have to help us." Bunny said, "Jack is in danger and..."

"I can't," Cleo interrupted turning away from them.

"What do you mean you can't?" Bunny asked.

"I just can't!" She yelled then sighed. "My power isn't strong enough to save him because nobody is in love. Chloe destroyed all my couples. Whatever she's planning it might..." She didn't finish her sentence.

"We will try to repair the damage done," Tooth offered,"But you need to save him."

"I still can't," Cleo admitted, "Chloe knows everything about her past, where I don't. I don't know what happened, but I know I did something to her to make her angry at me."

"Then you might need this." Tooth said holding out her hand.

Cleo looked and saw her teeth in a golden box.

"My teeth!" She remembered taking them, "But why are you...?"

"There not just teeth Cleo." Tooth said.

Cleo looked at her old teeth in the golden box. She didn't know why the Tooth fairy just gave her, her old teeth back. Looking at every tooth, she couldn't see anything to suggest how this would help. She was about to ask why she gave her, her old teeth back, but then she saw it. She thought she saw a little girl's face on the tooth...

"I'll find him." She replied grasping her old teeth, "I promise I will bring him back."

Without a minute to spare she grabbed her bow and flew into the night's sky.

"Come on!" North said, "She's holding her part of the deal. We must help her regain power."

They all nodded and they left the heart of the town.

Jack didn't remember passing out until he woke up. He remembered what he saw; their date, their happiness, and then everything went terrible. Chloe's appearance and harming Cleo...He wasn't going to let her get away with this.

He tried to move, but her couldn't. He was trapped on a wall. The shadowy monsters were there and their sharp claws were around his arms and legs tightly. He tried to struggle free, but the grip was to strong.

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