Chapter 3 Attacked

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Although he could barely see the figure move, Jack kept flying a straight path to the person. The person turned its head and saw they were being followed. The person started to fly faster to avoid Jack. Jack flew faster as well and was near the person. He couldn't tell who it was or what they looked like, but the one thing that stood out was the wings. This person had wings.

"Hey," Jack called, "Who are you?"

The person didn't even glance over. The person did a bunch of zig-zag flying skills to try to lose Jack. Unfortunately , that did not confuse Jack at all.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Jack called back.

The person did not respond. They were now flying over a forest. The person dived into the treetops hoping to lose Jack. Jack followed after it, but it was harder to see where he was going. The branches blended well in the night. Jack slammed right into a branch and he fell to the ground. He shook his head and stood up. He brushed the dirt off his hood as he examined the place.

The forest was too quite. No birds sang at all. The fog rolled in which made things even more unusual. The grass was wet from the evening dew, but it felt soft to the touch. The trees bared thick green leaves that blocked the moonlight from the ground. The wind gently blew through the area.

"Great," Jack sighed, "I'm lost and I couldn't find that person. What next?"

Jack then heard a low growling sound behind him. "Oh perfect," he thought turning around.

The creature was huge, about the size of a elephant. It looked like a huge mutated bear. It was dark like the midnight sky and had yellow sand glowing eyes. He rose a paw in the air and slammed Jack against a tree. Jack flew over him and grabbed his staff which was on the ground.

"Something tells me Pitch made you." Jack replied shot the monster with a pulse of ice.

The monster shrieked in pain and growled more. He lung toward Jack with a tackle, but Jack avoided his attack. When he got onto solid ground he shot another crystallized beam. The monster let out a huge cry as it was up against a tree. Jack froze the bear to the tree to make it stay their. Jack then turned his back and walked the other direction away from the bear.

Jack had made a grave mistake. The bear broke free of the ice and grabbed Jack. Jack tried to struggle free, but the bear had a death grip on him. The bear raised its paw and revealed sharp claws. He came down and sliced Jack across the chest. Jack, in unbearable pain, screamed so loud that the whole forest heard him. The bear grabbed his hands and slammed him against two trees back and forth. Then the bear threw him at another trees. Bruise and bloody, Jack tried to get up, but couldn't. He blacked out.

The bear came over to him and shouted the loud cry ever. He was about to pounce on him again...

...when suddenly the bear cried in pain.

An arrow had been shot at its leg. It yelped trying to get it out when another was shot, hitting it in the neck. Its eyes darted in the darkness to see who shot the arrows.  It was shot again in the back whimpering in pain.

From above the tree was a person shooting these arrows. The person then flew to the rock where it faced the bear.

"Why don't you pick on somebody your own size!" said a female's voice.

She placed he bow down and shot a luminous pink beam. It hit the creature, who was in terrible pain. The creature turned into a small white rabbit who then scampered away. The person slid down from the rock confused.

"Weird..." She replied, "Maybe it was just angry."

She was about to fly off in the distance when she saw Jack laying there.

"Oh no..." she gasped running over to him. She leaned her head onto his chest were the bear had scratched him. His heart was still beating. She sighed in relief.

"Ok...ok he's still alive," she said searching in her bag for something, "Come on...come on I have to have something to heal him. Ah ha! This will work!"

She pulled out a bottle from her bag. The liquid inside was a rosy pink color with sparkles. She first tore off Jack's hood. She then opened the bottle and poured the mixture all over his body. The wounds were slowly healing.

"Oh shoot!" She replied, "This one was not finished yet!"

She bit her lip trying to think of a solution to her problem. "There's only one thing left to do." she thought.

She kissed Jack fully on the lips only for a few seconds. She then let go and stood up from the ground. "I hope he will be fine." She whispered. Then she flew away in the night swiftly.

                                                                                           *Time Passes*

"Over here Sandy! I see him!" was the first thing that Jack heard. He opened his eyes to reveal that it was morning. He rubbed his head and sat up onto the tree. He was still in the forest and he was still alive. He touched his chest only to find that the wounds had vanished.

"Jack!" Bunny replied hoping toward him. The Sandman was not to far behind him.

"Mate, thank goodness we found you. Where have you been?" Bunny asked him.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked standing up.

" You didn't come back to the North Pole last night." Bunny said. "What were you doing here last night."

"I..." Jack began but he didn't finish. he didn't want to tell Bunny or the Sandman about last night, " I don't recall."

"Well from the looks of it, you must have gotten in a pretty bad fight." Bunny admitted looking at Jack's chest, "Come on Jack, lets go back to the pole."

Bunny and the Sandman led the way back. Jack picked up his staff and was about to follow them when his foot touched something. He looked down and saw a clear bottle. Looking at it more closely he saw the cap had a heart on it.

"Jack come on!" Bunny hollered.

"Alright I'm coming." Jack said picking up the bottle and shoving it into his hood pocket. He then flew through the air to go back at the pole.

Hi Everyone!

So far, so good! I have just finished this chapter and it will be continued into chapter four. Hope you guys like it so far!


As usual, I do not own any of the characters. This is a fan-made story.

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