Chapter 4 The girl

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It didn't take Jack , The Sandman, and Bunny  too long to get back to the North Pole. For some odd reason; it felt colder there than usual. Jack didn't mind the coldness, but he did feel the temperature drop. For the Sandman and Bunny...well they almost froze.

"Finally!" Bunny said as they made into North's workshop, "A place to warm up!"

"I have to say," Jack began, "It did feel a little colder than normal."

"Ya think?" Bunny replied sarcastically, "I almost froze my tail off! Anyway, let's find North."

They dashed up the stairs and searched through endless levels. They found North in his office working. Jack reached inside his pocket and felt the cool glass of the bottle. His fingers touched the little heart cap. He smiled as he touched it. Bunny opened the door and they went inside. North was at his desk working on some toy.

"Bunny, did you find Jack?" North asked.

"Yeah, they found me." Jack replied coming into the room.

"Jack where were you last night?" North asked, "We were all worried that someone or something got you."

"Well from the looks of it, he may have gotten mauled by an animal." Bunny assumed looking at the wounds left.

"Um..." Jack began trying to think of an excuse," I just hit a bunch of trees last night. It got a little too dark and I kept hitting them. I probably ran into one and fell."

"Hmm..." North replied, "You should rest. You have been out all night long."

"Yeah...That's probably what I need." Jack said, "Well I'll see you guys later."

Jack left the room. Once he was a little ways away, the Sandman closed the door.

"North, he's up to something," Bunny admitted, "I mean, look at his wounds. There is no possible way that came from a tree."

"I had a feeling he is up to something." North replied, "I don't know what though."

The Sandman made a little golden heart above his head. Bunny's face went very pale as North began to nod.

"North, it can't be..." Bunny began.

"It could be, Bunny," North interrupted, "Sandy does bring up a possible explanation."

                                                                                   *Time passes*

It was being to get dark out. Jack was in his personal room thinking on how to sneak out of the Pole.  He had a feeling that they didn't believed his story, which was partly true. He was sitting in a chair thinking. He had on a new sweatshirt and his wounds were bandaged up. He wanted to see who saved him and why. He wanted to know but had no idea where to look.

"Ok, it had to be somewhere near the park," Jack concluded, "So maybe this person might be there. Plus, they only come out at night, so I have to find them before morning comes."

He grabbed his staff and slowly opened the door. He peaked to make sure no own was around. He slowly made his way to one of the exits. He was quick and quiet. He went through levels of floors until he reached the fifth. From there, he could fly away.

Once he made it to the fifth floor, he saw the door. He made a quick run to it when he heard something.


Jack stood there frighten to turn around. He turned his head and saw it was only Tooth there.

" scared me." Jack admitted.

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