Chapter 2 The Snow Day

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It was a beautiful sun rise that woke the town up. The colors swirled through the sky. It looked like it would be a warm was February and it recently snowed. The temperature was a nice crisp 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Jack rode the chilly winds into the town. He notice that nobody was at school and there were plows on the road. Nobody dared to come out of their nice warm homes.

"Well the snow day worked." Jack said flying toward the park, "I wonder if there are any kids out."

When Jack got to the park, he saw kids out in their bundle clothes. They were making snow forts, going sledding down the hills, having a snow fight, making snow angles, and ice skating on the pond. They were laughing and having fun. Jack decided to join them by reinforcing the kids with snow balls and throwing them in the face.

Several hours passed and many of the kids were going home. Their cheeks were rosy and some were a little cold. Jack watched to make sure that none of the kids were left behind and that the park was clear when the sun set. Jack sat on a statue and recalled the fun day he had.

"That was amazing." He breathed," I wish I could give the kids another day, but they probably don't want to make it up in the summer..."

The street lamps glowed low at first, but then they sparked to life. It looked peaceful and quite. The way the snow sparkled and how everything just seemed different. Jack was about to to leave when he saw two teenagers approach the icy pond. They were carrying ice skates and holding hands. One was a girl with a white hat and coat on, while the boy wore a navy blue coat. Jack followed them just to make sure that they would be fine.

"Ethan are you sure about this?" The girl asked, "I never been ice skating before."

"Relax Jenna, you'll be fine." Ethan replied, " I've skated on this pond many times. I can teach you and we will take it slow."

"Are you sure that the ice is thick enough?" Jenna asked, "What if I fall in? What if you fall in?"

"Can you swim?"

"Yes I can."

"Then you won't drown. "Ethan replied, "Come on Jenna, you will miss out on the fun. Take my hand."

Jenna took Ethan's hand and they slow began to ice skate around the pond. They looked like people wound on a music box and never stopped moving. Ethan talked to Jenna about  how to control were you want to go. Once she got the hang of it, Ethan let go of her hand.

"Alright Jenna," He replied," No you try it on your own."

"But what if I..." She began.

"You can do this Jenna."  Ethan said.

Jenna slowly skated around the pond. She was very cautious about were she was going. Then she let go of the her fear and skated faster.

"Not bad Jenna!" Ethan replied as he tried to skate to her.

Jenna was laughing. she was having so much fun. Jack smiled; he knew that feeling. It likes nothing can hurt you, nothing can make you feel scared, nothing can stop you. He liked that feeling.

And then that feeling ended.

All of the sudden the ice began to crack and the water began to show. Ethan stopped skating to avoid it, but Jenna was heading there a full speed head.

"Jenna turn around! Slow down!" Ethan yelled.

"I can't!!!" Jenna screamed, " The ice is cracking in both sides!"

Jack ran to the side of the pond with the ice cracked and tried to refreeze it. It barely helped. Then suddenly a strong wind picked up and made Jack fly right into a statue. He fell onto the ground. Jenna was picked up a little of the ground and twirled in the sky. Ethan watched in amazement as Jenna headed straight for him. He caught her and held her close.

"Are you alright Jenna?" He asked.

"I'm fine..." She breathed, "Just...amazed..."

"That was a nice twirl in the air. You are good at ice skating."

"Luckily move I guess." She replied.

Jack sat up and looked. The girl was fine and they were safe, but something was wrong.

"I control the winds." He thought, "Why did they blow here when I didn't tell them to?"

Suddenly snowflakes fell from the sky. The two teenagers looked at each other and they didn't let go. They stood where they were, and watched the snow fall.

"I didn't make it snow..." Jack thought, "Something not right... Someone else must be controlling it"

Then he heard something familiar. It was a voice, the same one he heard before.

It sang," I'm as light as I can be...You got me feeling weightless....You take me on an odyssey...You got me feeling weightless...You make me float free...And my love for you is endless..."

Jack knew that whoever was singing had to be close. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone flying away. He chased after it.

Hi Everybody!

Thanks for being patience for Chapter two. I found some time to work on the story. I like how smoothly it has been going. There will a chapter three coming soon hopefully so keep and eye out for that. Thanks for reading and please continue to read on.


*If you were wondering what song I used for this Chapter, it is called Zero Gravity  by Kerli.*

As usual I do not own any of the characters. Rise of the Guardians is associated with Dreamworks. This is a made up story.

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