Haven't You Hurt Me Enough?

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(Gerard's POV)

After I finished singing Cancer, I looked over and saw Frank stand up near some equipment, and I realized he was watching me when everyone else got off stage. I watched as he looked at me l, then turned and stormed off. I said a quick goodbye to the crowd, before going after him, calling his name repeatedly.

"Frank! Frank wait! Come here!" I called out to him, only to be ignored. Then he rounded a corner and I followed close behind, having to speed walk to catch up with him...For someone so short, he sure can walk fast. I saw he was walking towards our dressing room, where Mikey, Bob, and Ray were standing near, talking. I huffed and yelled "Frank! Frankie stop!" Capturing the attention of the guys.

He just said "Leave me alone, Gerard." And quickened his pace.

I groaned and yelled "Dammit Frankie, stop!"

That's when he yelled "WHAT?! WHAT GERARD, WHAT?!" Then swiveled around and chucked his bottle of water at me almost like a baseball pitcher, but thankfully I had enough time to dodge it, but barely. Next thing I know, I'm being shoved up against the wall, with Frank grabbing the collar of my shirt, and bringing his face close to mine.

"WHAT DO YOU FUCKING HAVE TO SAY TO ME, GERARD, WHAT?! You think you can just say sorry for what you've done to me?! I waited so long to see if you actually loved me, but no! You ran off to LynZ cause you're too much of a fucking coward to admit it!"

I have never seen him so angry....This boy is the sweetest, kindest, most gentle person I have ever known, and he's screaming at me...And it's all my fault.

Then Ray came over to get Frank away from me, but shook Ray off, and let go of my shirt. He just stared at me with the most hatefilled look I have ever seen in my life, and he pointed his finger at me.

"I wish I knew how to quit you! I wish I knew how to hate you! You're poisonous Gerard, and you've been infecting me since the day we met! You made me think that you actually loved me....Like you wanted to be mine, and I wanted to be yours. I was with you through everything! You getting clean, the shit with Eliza, EVERYTHING! And when I told you I love the night we-"

"I do love you, Frankie." I said, cutting him off...Hoping he'd stop and I'd see the bubbly boy I fell for.

He shook his head and said "No you don't...You don't love me, Gerard." His voice cracking, a tear rolling down his cheek.

I felt my lip quivering, and tears of my own started flooding my eyes. "Frankie.."

He shook his head and said "No...No don't you, Frankie, me...You're so afraid of everyone hating you, well guess what Gerard? There's always gonna be people that hate you in your life, ya know why?! Cause it's life! But those people who hate you, shouldn't matter to you, cause you've made something of yourself! You're an amazing artist, you went to art school, you're a great singer, you started and have your own band....You got married.....And I'm sure you love your wife, don't you, Gee? Since you've only known her for 5 fucking minutes....And you ran off to her, cause you're ashamed of the idea of being with me, and you're to embarrassed to say anything to the guys, even your little brother, who looks up to you, and always will no matter what...Well guess what, Mikey?"

He took a step back from me and looked back at everyone else, but mainly Mikey. He said "I fucked your big brother. I fucked him in the mansion, and he loved every second of it."

I felt my cheeks get hot, and he looked back at me. He said "You see that, Gee? It's called not giving a fuck what anyone thinks...You should try it, sometime." We all stood in awkward silence for a second, when Frank rubbed his face with his hands, and sighed.

"I'm done...I got nothing else to say...See you guys on the bus." He turned to walk away, but I reached my hand out and put it on his shoulder, to stop him. "Frankie-" he shook my hand off and said "Don't touch me." Giving me a warning look. I said "Frank please-" "I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME!" He yelled before a searing pain that flared through my cheek, caused me to stumble back....

He just punched me.

That's when Ray said "Whoa, Frank!" And held him back when he tried to get to me, Bob having to help him. Mikey ran over to me and helped me up, and I looked at Frank and he had tears running down his face, his face turning a shade of pink.

"Non mi hai fatto male, abbastanza?"

Frank's half Italian and so am I, and my mom taught Mikey and I a lot of Italian when we were younger, and I knew what he said...He had asked "Haven't you hurt me, enough?" In Italian. I've rarely ever heard Frank speak Italian, and he only did if he was really mad, which we've never seen him be.

The look on his face and in his eyes just....It fucking killed me. Then he managed to slap me across the face in the same place he punched me, making me wince and yelp. Then he said:

" Tu! Ti odio! Ti odio, bastardo! Cazzo ti odio!"

Yelling "You! I hate you! I hate you, you bastard! I fucking hate you!" At me, while Ray and Bob dragged him away from me.

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