Chapter Three

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A/N: Hey guys! Thanks so much for all your reviews! Once again, we will be seeing a lot of flashbacks and I sort of added a new thing too..Stefan's journal entries..which will all be in italics. Also, I will be bouncing back and forth between POV's to get a little more in depth with everyone's feelings and thoughts as well.

Please let me know what you all think..It really means so much to me as a writer to know what my readers think about my stories.

Enjoy & Thanks for reading!


Bonnie's P.O.V.

I hear as Damon walks inside the house, I'm sitting on the floor, testing out my new yoga mat and doing this silly pose as he walks in, whistling at me as I hear the car keys hit the table in our dining room.

"Hey babe! You won't believe who I went to go see today." Damon says, running his hands through his hair as I look up at him, my head is in between my legs and I'm bent over touching my toes as I smile at him sweetly.

"Hey! So, where were you...not getting another haircut or outfit for the new position that's coming up at work, were you?" I ask him, hearing as he laughs, making his way into the living room and standing behind me, placing his hands onto my hips and pulling me up. Damon's blue eyes grow wide as I stretch out my body against him, turning in his arm, giggling and leaning in to kiss his lips softly.

He smiles widely at me, a grin on his face, that seems permanently stuck there as he says "I've missed you. And, no...I haven't been shopping."

"Damon, you've only been gone for a few hours..So, what or who did you go and see?" I ask him, curiosity in my voice as he smiles even wider now, clearing his throat and pulling me closer towards him when he utters "Caroline."

I don't want to be mad at him for lying to me and saying that he was going shopping. It's silly to be angry, because he wants answers and feels like no one will listen to his theory of Stefan still being alive. I can't be mad at him for wanting his brother back, they were best friends and now, everything in our lives, in our friends lives since Stefan..has been changed so much that it's hard to even be together again with the group of people that Damon and I used to love being around. I think the hardest thing about it is because we all feel the void of Stefan's absence. So, instead of all of us getting together like we used to when he was alive..Early morning coffee dates at Elena's or Caroline's was our thing..The guys all hanging out at one of our houses, barbequing together and laughing about silly things and on the weekdays me and Caroline would switch off babysitting duties for Sam and Olivia...All of us were like a large extended family..Once upon a time.

"Caroline, wow! It's been a long time for you, seeing her...But, Damon..Why did you go see Caroline? Isn't she an investigator now?" I ask him, watching as he places his hands on my shoulders and smiles.

"Yeah. Look, Bonnie...Honey...Caroline has some very important information regarding Stefan that could change everything..She thinks that he's alive!" Damon blurts out, watching closely as my eyebrows raise at him, shock on my face and my body feels numb when I speak in a loud tone. "What?"

"You can't tell anyone, Bonnie..No one at all. Just me and you can know for now." Damon tells me in a warning tone as I glance up at him, hope in his eyes as he says "If it's true..This would be the greatest thing that has happened to any of the last few years. He could be found and brought home, safely."

Elena's P.O.V.

It's the quiet moments that make me worry the most. I feel like I don't know what I'm doing with Matt...filling the void, I guess. It's not like I don't love him, I do. But, whenever I hear Olivia or Sammy call him daddy, it hurts even more. My heart wants to explode from the pain and my mind is screaming, loudly inside my head...Matt NOT your father!

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