Chapter Eleven

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So, There is a flashback/journal entry mixed in this update..Hope it won't be very confusing..I tried to make it as clear as I could.


Elena's P.O.V.

I feel as Stefan's hands wrap around me, turning us so that I'm pushed up against the wall, he's kissing my neck, hands lingering against my hips. I'm fulfilled with excitement when I feel his lips running up and down my neck, sucking against my soft skin. I breathe him in, my hands fumbling with the string of his sweat pants.

"I love you so much..God, I love you...I'm sorry, baby. I am so sorry for leaving you alone..I am so sorry." He says, his voice breaking in an anguished tone. My heart breaks for him, for what we lost and what could have been. Five years, gone in just a matter of seconds just by two men showing up at my door in the middle of the night...Telling me that my whole world was shattered.

As I feel his hands against my skin, his breath getting entangled with his words, lodged in his lungs. I remember it, that night that I had cried myself to sleep, swore in the morning that he was there next to me. But, when I had woken..I realized that it was just a mirage in my mind and what I had to do...

"I'm sorry, Elena...He's gone." Tyler told me in a soft tone as I crashed against his shoulder, clutching onto him with all the strength I had left to stand and felt as he supported my fragile body when I closed my eyes and it started to sink in. The love of my life, the man that I had planned to live out the rest of my life with, the father two my two small children was really gone...

I listened closely as Tyler told me that someone would stop by in the morning to give me what was left over at the site of the accident the things that they had already filed under evidence. But, were somehow able to give me a few left over things. "Oh and Elena, we're planning a service for him in a few days. I'll have Damon call you to tell you when it will be. But, if you need anything..Call any one of us. But, I'm going to call Caroline to stay with you and the babies tonight, or for as long as you need the help."

"No, Tyler..I'll be okay." I try to argue with him, tears covering my cheeks as I sat on the steps, nodding my head. I was exhausted, too sick to my damn stomach at the thought of having to go claim the body. The sentences all blending together, probably not making very much sense as I gripped onto my other hand tightly. I wanted to feel the pain, to make it all go away because all I could see in front of me was a charred up corpse, an imitation of what I didn't want to admit to myself, Stefan was dead and he was never coming back and all that now remained were his memories.

"Yes. You have no choice in the matter..Elena. I'm calling Caroline." He said, dialing her number in one accelerated motion. It crosses my mind for a moment, overdosing on the sleeping pills that are in my medicine cabinet. But, it's selfish of me to think that way. I can't be thinking like this..I'm a mother of two kids who need me now more than ever and I have too much to lose if I take the easy way out. Although, I can't shake the sickness in my stomach as I hear Tyler hang up his cell phone. Turning back to give his full attention to me as he lets out a sigh. "I'll stay here until she comes, let's get you inside and to bed." Tyler says, helping me off the steps and leading me back into the house.

Inhaling the warmth and the smell of the house, the smell of him was a mistake because I found myself in shambles, turning to leave the living room in a hurry, wanting to run and never come back to the house, to this life, to never remember what I had loved and lost in such a short amount of time...The 3 years that we had lived and loved each other vanished with two simple words, He's Gone..

But just as I turn to flee, to escape the pain that I feel is inside my breaking heart. I look up and see Matt's hands on my wrists, stopping me from my movements as he holds me in place. His eyes are covered in tears too as he holds me against his chest and I cry into his shoulder, breaking down because I know that nothing will never be the same again after tomorrow, the day that we bury the man that I was supposed to be married to and get my happy ending with.

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