Chapter Eight

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Stefan's P.O.V.

Rage. Anger. His words set me off like a blazing fire and I want to kill him, murder him with my hands and throw him into a blaze. I want to watch him burn and suffer. To be on fire and to feel agonizing pain, Just like I did. But as I calm down a bit, instead of killing him. I inhale deeply and do what I've been wanting do since I heard Elena tell me that she 'semi-loves' him?

Seriously? I know that she's not mine anymore. Not my "soon to be wife". Not my 'fiance'. Not anything except for the mother of my two kids that I love, somewhere deep down in my heart. I know that I love them, I remember the feeling of holding them in my arms and it meant more than anything to me, more than I can ever explain when I looked into their eyes and saw so much promise. So much hope.

But, long after. It's all gone within minutes, with the words that she had spoken to me just a few hours earlier. So, I guess that's why I punched Matt. Okay, not really..I just wanted to feel his face meet my knuckles and watch him fight me.

I hear as Matt groans, getting up from off the floor. I'm still hovering over him, holding his white t-shirt into my fists, their tightly fisted around him as he gasps for air and I knock him against the ground once more, swinging my hand back and just when I try to punch him again, a lot harder this time. Damon steps in, pulling us apart.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" He shouts, holding me under my arms as I shove my older brother off of me.

"Me? Or him? Because I could easily tell you what my fucking problem is with that asshole of a man that I used to call my best friend. Actually, wait...You and I are done!" I yell, feeling the rage in my blood pumping adrenaline, my heart is pounding against my ears and when I flex my jaw, it's tight.

"Both of you!" Tyler says, helping Matt to his feet and glaring at me, pointing to parking lot and nodding to Damon to escort me far away from the building to cool off.

Damon's P.O.V.

I watch as Stefan shrugs his shoulders. He's lucky that Matt didn't punch him back, it would have been an all out brawl between them if Tyler and I weren't there to stop it. And, personally I'm thankful that none of the other guys that work at the fire station were there to see their sudden and unexpected showdown.

I watch as Stefan storms off, his jacket thrown over his shoulder as he glares at me. Pointing his finger towards Matt as he shouts over his shoulder in an angered tone. "By the way, Matty.. You finally took it all from me! Be happy you son of a bitch. But, I swear that this is not over! She'll realize her mistake and she'll come back to me. I guarantee you that!"

I turn Stefan around, pushing him off the driveway and we walk back to his rental car. My brother scuffs as I point to the passenger side and jump into the driver's side before he can even make his way inside the truck.

"I don't need a fucking babysitter, Damon. I'm not drunk. I can make it home, just fine!" He says, rolling his eyes as he walks around the car and gets into the passenger side. I smile at him, locking the doors as I look back at the fire station and even from a distance, I can see Matt sitting by the fire truck, an ice pack on his face.

" Home? Right now, you don't have a home. So as much as you hate it. You need me. But, you did get him good, little brother! Nice punch, for a dead man." I tell him, hearing as Stefan laughs a bit and exhales deeply.

"He took everything from me, Damon. She loves him...My kids have no idea who I am, because she thought that it would be easier to not tell them...Who the hell even does that?" He asks, watching as I start the truck and turn towards him, placing my hand lightly on his shoulder.

"We'll get it back..You know that we will. Elena's just confused right now. I know that she is. It was really hard for her when you were 'gone'. She had a really hard time coping and now with you being back so suddenly..She doesn't know what to think. But, Stefan..I promise you..I'll help you get her back. He doesn't deserve her, Stefan. You do. You always have. You and Elena are soul mates and there is no way denying that. Because, to be quite honest. A love like the one that you two have is envied, it's desired and wished for by so many people. And that kind of love, can't die...It never will." I tell him in a truthful tone as I watch him nod his head at me and he smiles weakly.

"So, where are we going?" Stefan asks, looking up at me with watery eyes as I hold onto the steering wheel tighter and smile a bit when I respond. "My house. I want you to live with me, for a while..Until you get back on your feet and win Elena back, that is. Bonnie won't mind. Actually, I can't wait to see her face once she see's you."

Bonnie's P.O.V.

I hear the car in the driveway as I run out towards it. He's got a smile on his face as he steps in front of a much younger and a bit smaller guy with slumped shoulders looking at me with a tired expression on his face. I can't really see from the porch. But as I make my way towards them, taking a few steps as I walk, the picture of him becomes clearer and I nearly fall to the ground. He's home. Stefan is finally home!

"So, did you pick him up off the side of the road? I mean, no offense, Stefan. But, you look too good to be a hitchhiker and for someone who is supposed to be 'dead and missing'." I tell him, hearing as they both laugh and Stefan shakes his head, locking his eyes on me.

The apron around my waist is what he seems to be staring at the most and part of me thinks that he's tuned out Damon long ago as we walk into the house. Because, Stefan seems lost in a a memory almost as he clears his throat and says with a soft tone. "Thanks." Before we make our way into the house.

Stefan's P.O.V.

The red apron around her waistline was my first indication that she was on her break as I casually sat next to her, stealing the book from her hands as Elena frowned at me a bit.

"Hey! I thought you said that you would be at work, longer." She stated, eyeing me up and down. Taking her finger and rubbing off a smudge of whatever the hell I had on my face as she smiled at me.

"Well, I missed you today. So, I figured that we could go out tonight. Just the two of us..What do you say?" I asked, watching as she grabbed the book back and placed it down on the counter, thinking about her answer.

"Sure. I'd love that." Elena said, a huge smile forming on her face as she watched me nod.

"Great. It can be our first officially 2nd date." I told her, leaning into her and kissing her cheeks softly as she wrapped her arms around me, giggling into my ear and filling my heart with more joy than it could ever contain when she said "Perfect! See you at 8!"

The memory of her quickly fades as Bonnie looks over at me and hands me a glass of water, sitting down with us in the living room and smiling sympathetically when she asks "So, have you seen Elena yet? What did you think about Sammy and Olivia..aren't they beautiful!"

A/N: Thanks so much for reading & Please let me know what you all think! :D

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