Chapter Thirty Nine

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A/N: Hey all! This will be the LAST CHAPTER to this story

Thanks so much for reading & Enjoy!


Elena's P.O.V.

"Say something. Anything really except for 'Oh, honey, thanks for ruining our honeymoon.' " I tell him, watching as he leans into me, my words quickly lost when I feel his lips against mine, his hand gently rests against my neck as Stefan pushes away from me and pats his hand against the blanket that we're sitting on, a huge smile on his face when he says " You could never ruin a moment. Come here, beautiful. I want to remember this for as long as I live. You and me, finding out that we're going to be parents again, in paradise of all places. It's wonderful and I can't wait to be a dad for the third time!" Stefan exclaims in a proud tone.

"Stefan, I..." My voice trails off as he laughs and watches carefully when I sit in his lap, my head resting on his chest, feeling his hands making small circles on my back when he kisses me and says "You don't need to say anything. Let's just sit here and savior in the moment that we're going to have a baby together. Elena, you have nothing to worry about because I plan on helping you with everything. You're my wife now sweetheart and I love you, I love our kids and I already know that I'm going to love this baby. So, you don't need to worry about what I'm going to think. Because, I love the idea of being a dad again. Although, I guess I'm going to need to brush up on my baby skills..It's been a long time."

I clear my throat, wiping away my moistened cheeks and the falling tears on them as I lift my head up and sniffle a little. "Well, telling you was easy. But, what are Sam and Olivia going to think once they find out that they're going to be a big brother and a big sister?" I ask Stefan hearing as he laughs and holds me tighter to him, leaning his face to be just inches away from my ear as he whispers "They are going to be just as happy as I am. I can't wait to see their faces when we get back home and tell them the great news."

"I hope so. So, was there something that you wanted to tell me?" I ask him, watching as Stefan looks out towards the beach and smiles when he says "Yeah, I want us to buy the house that we're renting and there is one more thing...I know it's kind of random to talk about. But, we're comfortable there. I like the house a lot. Plus, now that we're going to be having a baby I can turn that guestroom into a nursery." He says, his voice trailing off as I kiss his face and place both of my warm hands onto his cheeks, locking his gaze on me and listening carefully when he says "I know that it's not really the right time. But, since we're being honest and having a moment. I guess, I might as well tell you now before you hear it from Caroline. Um... Tyler offered me my old job back and I want to take it." He confesses, watching my face suddenly drop as I shake my head, my lips closing into a straight line when I sit there for a moment to process his words.

Yet, I quickly remind myself that as uneasy as I feel about him going back into the career that I know he loves and was always devoted too. Way before he and I even met. I know that I can't stop him as he continues to talk about how much he really wants it and that Tyler would give him an easier schedule that would allow us to be more of a family again. Since both of us are still healing from everything that happened before.

"Stefan..I know that you want to go back into it. I kind of had a feeling that you'd talk to Tyler about it. Because, I know how much you loved doing your job. But, you have to make me a promise this time." I comment, feeling as he tightens his arms around me, his face just inches away from mine as he nods in agreement."Sure, whatever you want. I love you, so you know..Happy wife, happy life."

" Ha! Aren't you funny. Listen, please you have to make sure that someone has your back no matter what and that you start off slowly with it, just so that you're not overwhelmed. I just..I don't want you to become overwhelmed by it all. So, please. Just make sure that Tyler maybe starts you off with easy stuff and make sure that Damon is with you at every location." I tell him, hearing as he scoffs and shakes his head.

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