Chapter Tweleve

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Elena's P.O.V.

Maybe it's the way that the "What?" escapes from his mouth, but it makes me smile as I turn in his arms, kissing his cheek and pushing him back into the bedroom that makes Bonnie shake her head and laugh at us, hearing as we shut the door behind us. The way he looks at me, smiling and laughing all at the same time takes me back to what feels like years as I feel Stefan's hands around my stomach, his lips on my neck and for a moment, I'm lost in the memories of what we had once tried so hard to preserve...

"Stefan, this place is like the tenth venue that we've looked at. I mean, we're never going to pick a place to get married at with this rate and now that we know that we're having twins...How am I going to fit into that wedding dress that Caroline ordered as my gift?" I asked him, turning around in the large and empty building, it's glistening chandelier above us as I watch him place his hands in his pockets, a smirk on his face as he walks up to me. Slowly, rolling up the sleeves of his green t-shirt.

"It's perfect. It's got a view of the water, a beautiful skyline at night time. And, we can run away from everyone and make out on the sand for a while in your wedding dress. Plus, we've been engaged for almost 3 years now..It's about damn time that I make you my wife, officially in front of all of our friends and family." He said with a wink, watching me cover my giggles.

"Honey, I'm ugly blimp looking...pregnant..fat. I don't think that making out in the sand would be a good idea." I told him in protest, watching as Stefan spun around on the soles of his shoes, hands up in the air and a huge grin on his face as he said "Baby, I disagree. You're beautiful to me, fat or not..And, plus..I hate the word "fat". How about more to love?" He said, smiling as he watched me rub my face with my hands in frustration.

"Come on, let's go find someone who works here and tell them that we'll take it." Stefan said, grabbing my hands into his and spinning me around once on the dance floor as I smiled at him, my hair flying around my face as I hear him laugh.

"I love you and I can't wait to be your husband, it's going to be perfect. I promise..We'll have a real good story to tell the babies, when they get older and are able to talk." Stefan commented, pulling me into his embrace as we walked out of the venue and on to the balcony, the windows in front of us looking out towards the ocean.

"It's too expensive, Stefan. Especially with everything that we'll need to save up for once the babies are born. We can't afford it. I'm sure we can find something cheaper for like, I don't know..$15,000 or way less?" I tell him, feeling as he wraps his arms around me from behind and laughs into my ear, kissing my cheek and placing his head on my shoulder as he speaks.

"The price doesn't matter...Well, does a little bit. But, I got a lot of the guys at work to pitch in. However, I personally think that it's them feeling sorry for the poor bastard who has spent 3 years too long trying to make his fiancé, his wife already." Stefan told me, closing his eyes as I placed my hands on his cheek and leaned into him more, exhaling deeply.

"Do you think that we'll be okay? When we're married...Do you think we'll make it, together?" I asked him suddenly, feeling as he tightened his grip around me and took a sharp intake of breath.

"Yeah, as long as we have each other. We'll be fine. But, Elena...if anything ever happens-" He began to say, watching as I turned around in his arms, away from the beach view in front of us.

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