Chapter Twenty Six

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-One and Only-Chapter Twenty Six

Jeremy's P.O.V.

Desk duty..It's really making me antsy lately because all I want to do is be out with the rest of the guys and my team, solving this damn case and finally arresting the two people that have caused everyone I know so much heartache and pain. I'm trying to piece this case together. But, now that Matt is dead. It just leaves me with even more questions than answers...It's frustrating because I know that once my sister finds out about her Exe...She's going to have a mix of emotions..anything ranging from grief, denial to anger...Anger ,that she'll never get to face him and ask him the one simple question...Why he did what he did to her?

I'm half way through trying to piece together the case on Klaus and Katherine. So far, I've found that Matt had left a paper trail of money in a secret account with a list of purchases from a few years ago, I personally find it odd that he would have withdrawn $15,000 dollars from his "secret" bank account and then a few weeks later, that same amount ends up in Klaus Mikaelson's bank account...The same damn amount which had happened about a few days before the warehouse fire was set and Stefan was thought to be dead.

All this new information leads me to believe that the old investigator wasn't looking hard enough because the only conclusion that I can come up with is that yes, Matt was linked to Katherine and Klaus because he was paying them as hit men to do the job of killing Stefan. But, when they failed..the whole 'plan' blew up in their faces and Matt was using Elena as an alibi...Comforting the lonely best friend's ex-fiancé as his cover story, just so that no one could connect him to what the other two were doing in Florida at the time. I'm getting closer and closer to connecting the three of them, keeping in mind that Caroline still needs to look into the locked room at their house. I find myself going down the list of different cash and check amounts when I hear a wailing sob coming from outside of my office.

"Please..He's not dead! Please...tell me that my brother isn't gone!" She sobs, her hands are covering her face and, her thin body is shaking like a leaf on a cold winter's night as I get up and make my way towards her, hearing her sniffle and sob some more.

"Excuse me, Ma'am? Are you okay?" I lean down beside her, watching as she takes her dark brown sweater, wiping away her tear stained cheeks when she stammers out. "I'm Matt Donovan's sister..Please tell me that he's not dead!"

"Vicki Donovan?" I ask, trying to place her face with the image of the woman I have in the file on Matt. Just a few years older than when the photo was taken. Vicki still looks the same, wavy long brown hair, skinny body type and the most haunting and heartbreaking eyes I've ever seen staring back at me as she latches onto my white button up shirt and exhales a shaky breath when she responds with another pleading.."Please tell me that Matty isn't gone!"

"Miss Donovan...How about you and I go talk in my office? Here, let me help you up." I tell her, extending my hand out as she takes it, firmly gripping my hand when she gets up and nearly collapses against me. Exhaustion is written all over her face when she inhales and I lead her into my office, closing the door behind us when I watch her slump down into a chair that's across from my desk, which is covered with piles upon piles of documents, pictures, case work, blue prints of the house that Klaus and Katherine purchased...Everything that we have on them so far!

Vicki watches with curious eyes as I move everything aside and make a neat stack of the files, before I sit down across from her, eyeing her as she begins to cry even harder when she asks "How did he die?"

"Vicki. Are you sure that you want to know? I mean...It's fairly gruesome.." I grimace, trying to shake the image of what I had seen at the jail when I had gone to identify the body as Matt through his finger prints. We were all told that his sister, Vicki had lost contact with him years ago and that she was nearly completely out of the loop on her brother's life. Yet, someone had to contact her anyways or at least try to so that Matt could be given a proper burial by whatever family he had left.

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