Chapter 5: Magnolia.

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Running down the path with Mia clinging to my shoulder, we finally reached the end of the forest. Magnolia in all it’s glory stood towering before us. Huge houses and various other buildings were everywhere, and scattered around them were dozens of market stands and shops, filling up with the many bustling people of the city. This is what we’d dreamt of for years, and now, we were finally here. Excited but a little nervous, I began to step on the well made stone path and made my way in, out and around the enormous group of people and children walking, dashing and playing on the overcrowded street. I became very cautious of my surroundings quickly because of the huge horde of people. There were bright colours everywhere in sight, and there was me and only me wearing pitch black. Completely. I must stick out like a saw thumb.

I felt Mia rub the side of her face up against mine. “Nat… It’s okay, calm down.. Loosen up a bit, you’ve gotten tense. No-one here is going to bite us, honestly.“ She spoke kindly, her soothing words calming me down. I tried to take heed of her words. After walking down the endless amounts of streets, twisting through the many flocks of people and turning vast amounts of corners, people did glance at us a fair few times. But to my surprise- They smiled and waved. Maybe Mia was right.. But then, she’s never been wrong about these things. For once in a long time, I felt like I belonged. I smiled back. I was happy. After taking another right turn and hearing yelling, cheering and what sounded like the smashing of tables and chairs, stopped dead in my tracks and glanced upwards. The famous Guild of Magnolia, the winning Guild of The Grand Magic Games, holding many famous Mages of Fiore was stood right in front of us, and we were more or less at it’s door. Fairy Tail.

I froze in pure excitement and happiness. So much so if I tried to walk I’d end up falling over. I could tell that Mia felt the same way as I began to feel my shoulder shake. As I turned my head to look at her, her face was filled with that much happiness and excitement that the expression she was unknowingly giving off was almost creepy. “Maybe I could become good friends with Carla!” She exclaimed, beaming with happiness. “I bet you can make some amazing new friends in here too, Nat! That way, you won’t have to look like an insane loner because you talk to a Cat all the time!” She smirked, sticking her tongue out at me, beginning to laugh. I was about to laugh along with her too, that was until I paused and properly realised what she had actually said. I slowly turned my head back around to face her and grabbed her ears. “What was that… Cat?” I said, beginning to tickle her belly, to which she laughed frantically and began to wiggle, hopelessly trying to avoid my tickling. Just as I stopped, she quickly arose to her feet again and stood upright on my shoulder and pulled one of the strangest faces I’ve ever seen. “You might meet someone too… Someone that likeeessssss youuu…” She smirked and put her paws over her mouth. My eyes widened, and I tried to quickly come up with some kind of retort to say back. It didn’t work. Instead I threw my head to one side and folded my arms. “I… I highly doubt that… Who’d honestly go for me?” I replied. I turned my head back to face her. There was then a huge crashing sound coming from inside of the Guild, but I wasn’t really listening enough to pay it any attention. She looked like she was about to say something encouraging and of comfort  back to me, but her facial expression suddenly changed to that of shock, and it seemed as though she was looking behind me. “Nat! Watch out! The door… It’s falling!” She yelled, grabbing my neck.

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