Brotherly Love

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Seeing Dean standing in the doorway, blocking your only exist, was like being in the ocean with a shark between you and the beach. It was terrifying, and you cowered in the corner, the brave hunter you had once been turned into a sniveling coward.

"Sammy, I would say it's good to see you, but it's not really." Dean smirked, watching his brother with an evil glint in his eye.

"Dean, let Y/N go, she has nothing to do with this." Sam urged, but you curled in on yourself when you heard Dean's laughter as a reply.

"Y/N? I don't care if she has nothing to do with this. She keeps me entertained." Dean replied, and your heart plummeted. It sounded like he would do everything to keep his play toy on it's leash, and his play toy was you.

You watched as Sam and Dean squared off, neither moving, both staring each other down. Waiting for the either one to make a move, but neither wanting to be the first. It was like a game of cat and mouse, and you couldn't take it any longer.

You stood up on shaky legs, making your way as far as you could before your nerves stopped you. "Dean, please let Sam go. I will stay, on my own free will, if you let him go." You pleaded. You couldn't imagine anything happening to your best friend, and you would do anything to make sure he stayed safe.

Sam glanced at you, his eyes filled with sadness. "Y/N, you don't have to do that for me." 

Dean chuckled. "How sweet, the two of you trying to save each other. If I didn't know any better, I would think you two were a couple. But I know for a fact that Y/N has only spread her legs for me." Dean said crudely.

"Please." You begged. "Let him go, then I will do anything you want." 

He seemed to consider it. "Fine, as long as he promises to not come after me again. If he does, then both of you are dead. Do you understand?"

"No, I..." Sam started to argue, but you shook your head, stopping him. "Fine, I don't like this, but." He said, moving towards the door, and Dean stepped aside to let him pass. Before Sam left, he turned to you, and with Dean unable to see the movement, he winked. Confused, you stayed put, and watched as he walked to the door, pausing by Dean. Dean's body language was stiff, he still didn't trust his brother, but he wasn't going to give up an inch.

"Y/N Run" Sam yelled, before splashing Dean with the bottle of Holy Water he had been hiding. Dean was hissing, his entire face steaming from the burn of the water. At first you were frozen, but then you ran, past Dean and out the door, once again being blinded by the sun. You sprinted across the parking lot, before your weakness over took you, and you stood there gasping for breath. Watching the motel door, you waited for Sam, hoping he would be able to make it out too, not sure if you would be brave enough to go back in for him. Minutes passed, before you spotted Sam, and what you saw shocked you.

Somehow during the time you had escaped and now, Sam had managed to capture Dean, and was now pulling him behind him with Dean's hands cuffed. You watched as Sam threw Dean into the back of the Impala, handcuffing him to the door. It was then Sam looked around, and you figured he was looking for you. 

You stepped out from the shadows, and gingerly made your way towards Sam, the rough pavement and rocks cutting into your feet. Sam noticed you, and came running. Once he reached you, he glanced down, before picking you up gently in his arms. The motion was sweet, but it jarred your already sore body, and you moaned. 

"I know. But it's better than you trying to walk across this parking lot again." He whispered in your ear, and you laid your head on his chest, feeling safe for the first time in months. He came to the Impala, and gently placed you on your feet, before opening the passenger door. You glanced back, where Dean was cuffed behind you, before sliding onto the seat, curling into as little of a ball as possible.

"Honey, you're still not done with me yet." Dean whispered menancingly, and you shuddered, just as Sam climbed into the other side.

"Shut it Dean." Sam said tiredly, before starting the Impala. He glanced around, finally noticing the filth that had ocumulated on the dash and the floor. "What the hell happened to the Impala?" Sam wondered out loud, turning to glance at Dean.

Dean shrugged before looking out the seat. "It's just a car Sam." He said, and you watched as shock covered Sam's face, and you knew he had finally realized how much Dean had changed.

Sam pulled the Impala out of the parking lot, pointing it east, towards the bunker. You wondered if any of your personal belongings were still there, or if they had been thrown out. You couldn't quite believe you were heading back there, it had been so long that your memories of it had felt like a dream.

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