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"What the hell are those? Where did they come from?" You freaked out, running your hand across the veins, making sure they weren't some sort of hallucination. You could only see a glimpse of them, and you lifted your shirt from your chest, looking down to see them branching up from inside your bra. 

Sam had stepped back, a worried look upon his face. "Y/N, don't worry, we will figure something out. I'm working on a cure myself." He said, before showing you his neck which also had some of the thick black veins. 

"What the hell is it?" You asked. "Did you infect me?" 

He shook his head. "I think you were infected at the start, but it didn't show up until you woke up. But don't worry, we will figure this out together."

You moved away from the door, sliding down into the bench, the stress from the day getting to you. "Will we die? What does this sickness do, anyways?" 

He sat down next to you, his long body curling in on itself in despair, making you even more depressed. "It affects our minds, turns us into rabid beasts, before we die. Maybe I should call Dean, get him back here. He can help me so we can cure you."

"Why don't you wait. I don't remember this Dean, and I don't think we need another thing getting in the way of getting us healed." You said, but truthfully you didn't want to look in someone else's eyes and see disappointment when you didn't recognize them. You were already having a hard enough time with everything.

"He would want to know." Sam argued, but he looked at your face and sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to win this fight. "Fine, but we need to leave here, head back up to the room I'm using for research."

You nodded, still surprised at how easy you were trusting this man. Maybe you did really know him. You stood up, waiting for him to move the bench when visions filled your mind, crumpling you to your knees. You saw images of a club with vicious looking men in it, men trying to attack you. It was terrifying, and you collapsed in on yourself. It took Sam a couple of minutes to reach through to you. "Y/N, it's not real, you've got to fight it." He kept saying over and over again.

When you had finally calmed down, you allowed him to pull you to your feet, taking deep, steadying breaths. "What was that?" You asked him.

"It's the visions. They go with the sickness. What did you see?" He asked, as he opened the door.

"A club. It was full of all sorts of menacing men, men who wanted to feed off of me, or worse." You said, shuddering. "Good thing it wasn't real."

He looked at you then, his hazel eyes full of sadness. "Don't get upset. But it was real. You were a prisoner there, for a long time. The sickness is probably bringing back bad memories."

You sucked in a deep breath, coughing as it choked you. You couldn't believe that those visions were real. What had your life even been like? And how did you survive something as horrifying as that? "Who the hell was I?" You asked in a hushed whisper as Sam led you back out into the hallway.

"We don't have time to get in that now. We need to get you cured, and fast." He said, his gaze softening as he glanced back at your neck. You felt as if the veins were crawling, inching up your skin, like a parasite, and you wanted to rip them off. Touching them, you felt a burning pain run through your neck, and you pulled your hand back.

Groaning in frustration, you followed Sam, back through the cluttered hallways, past bodies that carried the same black veins that were crawling up your neck. You shuddered, hoping that Sam could find a cure before their  fate became yours. He led the way up the stairs, a gun in his hands as he scoped out the place. You stayed right behind him, trying to be as quiet as possible, almost caught off guard when he stopped in front of a door. "In here." He whispered, and you opened the door, stepping inside. He checked to make sure you weren't followed before shutting it, and locking the door. You looked around, seeing a green army bag, along with some other weapons, and a laptop strewn around the table in front of you. 

But when you turned back to Sam, he was leaning heavily against a chair, his eyes screwed as tightly shut as possible, his face full of pain. "Sam?" You asked, stepping towards him.

"No stay away!" He yelled, his face showing how terrified he was. You couldn't tell if he was afraid of you, or what his visions were making him see, but you took another step closer to him, wanting to help the man who was trying to help you.

"I said stay back!" He yelled, swiping his hand forward, colliding with your cheek, knocking you off balance. Falling to the floor, you watched as he seemed to gain a little composure, stumbling over to the table, completely forgetting about you. Mumbling under his breath, he scrolled through his computer, as you slowly came to your feet.

You stayed back, going around him, not wanting to get knocked to the ground again. As you rounded the corner, you felt your head start to pound, the start of another sickness induced vision ready to make it's appearance. You glanced back at Sam, seeing him busy working on something, as you crumpled to the ground. This one was much stronger than the last, and as you raised your hands to your head, you saw that the veins had spread to your hands. Groaning in pain, your eyes closed, as more visions of the club, and fangs heading towards your neck were the only things you could see. 

Muttering no over and over again, you were relieved when the club disappeared. But what took it's place was almost worse. You were tied up to a chair, your body naked except for the cuts and blood running down it. A man was standing in the shadows, blood dripping from his hands as he held the knife that had caused you so much pain. It flashed in and out, and you felt yourself pulling your hair, trying to stop the horrifying images that were crusading through your mind. 

"Y/N!" A voice said loudly next to your ear, but you were too lost in the pain in your head, and you couldn't snap out of it. It was then you felt warmth,  close to your neck. It was enough for you to open your eyes, and you opened them to see flames seriously close to your neck. You tried scrambling back, away from the flaming cotton ball, but a strong arm held you immobile. "Trust me Y/N." A voice said, but in your haze you didn't recognize it.

Still trying to fight, to get away, you winced as it came closer, burning the veins covering your neck. A garbled scream left your lips, the pain astounding. "I'm so sorry." The voice kept saying over and over, as you were held still.

It seemed like the pain lasted forever, but it was probably only a minute before all the black veins were burned away. You were left panting on the ground, a pair of strong arm's wrapped around you. Taking a deep breath, you looked up into a pair of hazel eyes. Eyes that you remembered, from the person who had promised to help you, saying he already knew you. "Thank you Sam. Are we healed?"

He nodded, a smile joining both of your voices at the realization that you were both going to be okay. Caught up in the moment, you leaned forward, your gaze on the pair of pink lips in front of you. You felt Sam's body tense, but you didn't care, you were so caught up in the fact that you wanted to kiss the man holding you. Your lips had almost collided with his, when he dropped you on the floor, crawling back from you as if you had burnt him.

"Sam?" You asked, confused. You had thought there might have been something going on between the two of you, but the look he was giving you showed he was more than a little distraught at the idea of kissing you. 

Broken Apart (Dean Winchester x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now