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The ride to the bunker was anything but uneventful. You were exhausted, and you felt yourself continuously nodding off, but then you would jerk awake, realizing part of your nightmares was actually sitting behind you.

Sam stayed silent as he drove his brothers Impala, his eyes trained on the road. Occasionally he would glance at you, and you would give him a reassuring smile that didn't quite reach your eyes.

Dean on the other hand was sarcastic and crude, picking opportune moments to say something he knew would upset you or his brother, sometimes getting to the both of you at once.

Sam pulled over for gas, and you were left to keep an eye on Dean. You knew it was a good idea, If the people in the store saw you, they would notice the bruises and cuts and probably go after Sam and you didn't want that.

Instead you sat there quietly, as close to the door as possible, as far away from Dean as you could get while still being in the same car with him.

"Y/N." Dean said teasingly, and you curled in on yourself, not wanting to hear what he had to say. "You know the cure might not work right?"

"It's worth a shot." You argued, cursing yourself for even answering him.

He just laughed, nothing like his old laugh. This one was creepy, and sent shivers down your arms. "I can't decide." He started, and you stayed silent, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of answering him, but it didn't work because he went on. "I can't decide on who I go after first when I get free. And I promise I will get free. I really want to go after Sam, to see the life slowly drain from his stupid puppy dog eyes."

Inwardly you cringed, hating how easy Dean was talking about killing his own brother, how he seemed to enjoy the thought of it.

"But then, there's you. Think of all the fun things I can do to you before I slowly squeeze your neck, taking away the breath that keeps you alive." He told you, his voice deep and dark, bringing back thoughts of what had just happened the previous days. Just the thought of what he had done, and could possibly do again terrified you, and you cowered, your entire body trembling in fear. Dean noticed, of course, and he leaned forward as far as he could, his fingertips brushing against your shoulder. It was too much, and you opened the door, jumping out and rushing to the other side of the Impala, where Sam was just returning to.

"Y/N?" He asked, noticing the tears pouring down your cheeks, and the shivers that controlled your entire body.

"How do we know if this will even work? And what happens when it does? I don't know if I will ever be able to look at Dean the same way again." You muttered, the stress from everything slowly becoming too much to bear.

Sam gently grasped your shoulder, trying to calm you down, but the slightest touch had you jerking back from him. "Y/N, we have to at least try." He said calmly. "We need to take it one step at a time. And that first step is getting all of us back to the bunker, alive. Can we just work on that for now?"

You nodded, and he guided you back to your spot in the passenger seat. "She returns for more." Dean teased, flicking his eyes black, and you quickly looked away.

"Dean shut up." Sam said tiredly, before shutting your door and moving back to his side of the Impala, climbing in and turning it on. He pulled it out onto the road, and you were surprised when Dean actually followed Sam's orders and stayed quiet.

Your exhaustion soon became too much to handle, and you found yourself falling asleep, cuddled against the window.


The next time you awoke, it was in time to see Sam pulling into the garage of the bunker. Turning the key in the ignition, Sam turned to see that you were finally awake. He gave you a tired smile, before glancing back at Dean, who sat there with an evil smirk on his face, seemingly not concerned about the fact that he was currently cuffed and immobile.

"Y/N, do you mind staying here while I make sure everything's ready? I hate to ask you, but at least he's cuffed here." Sam asked, and you could see the conflict in his eyes. He was exhausted, and wanted nothing more than to get his brother locked in the dungeon so he could crash for a couple of hours. But he was also worried about you, about leaving you alone with Dean.

You yawned, but nodded at Sam. "It's fine. You go, I'll just keep watch outside the car." 

He nodded at you, before leaving the Impala and heading towards the hall. He glanced over his shoulder, making sure you were safe and out of the car before he vanished out of sight. Once he was gone, you shut the door, before taking a couple of steps away, leaning against one of the beams of the garage. Dean stayed silent, staring at you with unwavering eyes. You glanced down, looking at your bare feet, covered in tiny cuts. You were pretty sure there wasn't a single part of your skin that didn't have a bruise or cut on it, and you knew you had to look horrible. 

Saving Dean was Sam's first priority, but you needed to get away from Dean as soon as possible. You needed some time, some personal space, to lick your wounds. Nothing sounded better than a hot shower, and then curling up into bed, sleeping for a week. After that, then you could think about what had happened to you, and where you would go from here.

Sam quickly returned, opening the door, and unhooking Dean's cuffs from the handle, before dragging him behind him. As Dean passed you, he flicked his eyes black. "Remember my promise." He told you, before Sam pulled him out of the garage. 

Waiting a moment, you turn down the hallway, your subconscious taking you to your old room, the one you had shared with Dean, what seemed like years ago. Pushing open the heavy wooden door, you looked around, wondering how much had changed.

You were surprised at the sight in front of you. You almost felt as if you were in the wrong room. None of your personal belongings were in sight. Your pictures that had graced the top of the dresser were gone, liquor bottles were in their place. You stepped forward, opening a drawer, disappointed when it was empty. You knew you had been the one to run off, but a part of you had wished that when you had shown up missing, Dean wouldn't have tossed you to the side so quickly.

"I'm sorry your stuff isn't in here. When we couldn't find you, Dean went a little crazy, and I packed all your stuff up, for his sanity, and for mine." Sam said from the doorway.

You gave him a sad smile. "It was a shock." You admitted.

Sam tilted his head." Come on, I didn't throw anything away. I'll show you where I put them. Then we can get you cleaned up, and in bed. We can start with Dean in the morning."

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