Wedding Planning

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That night, you grabbed one of Crowley's black silk shirts, unabashedly stripping out of your jeans and t-shirt right in front of him. He sat still in the armchair, his fingers biting into the arm cushions, as you stood right before him, your body bare except for you panties and bra.

"You started to drape the smooth fabric over your shoulders, but Crowley interrupted you. "Wait, aren't you going to be uncomfortable in that bra?" He asked, his eyes darkening.

"Yes." You replied, and without any hesitation, you undid the clasp, before sliding the straps down your shoulders, leaving your upper body completely bare. His eyes took in your body, his tongue unconsciously licking his lower lip, before he bit it.

"Alright, you can get dressed now." He told you, and you slid the shirt on, slowly doing the long row of buttons on front. The shirt hung down to mid thigh, and you had to roll the sleeves up multiple times so it wouldn't hang over your hands. "Now, go to bed. We have a busy couple of days ahead of us."

You complied without a word, pulling down the thick black and red comforter, to find red silk sheets underneath. Sliding in, you almost groaned at how well they felt against your skin. "Aren't you coming to bed Crowley?" You asked, almost pouting.

"No, my darling. I don't need to sleep. And I don't want to share a bed with you until after our wedding day. I might be a Demon, but I am still old fashioned." You nodded, wanting whatever made him happy.

The next day and a half went quickly, and eventfully. You had awoken the next morning, finding yourself alone, with only a note and a black rose for company. It had simply stated to stay in the room, that a dressmaker would be arriving shortly.

Crowley was true to his word, and soon you were in one of Crowley's robes, going through stacks of patterns, trying to pick out your favorite one.

"I'm thinking white might not be the way to go." The dressmaker hinted, a shy, middle aged woman with huge glasses perched upon her pointed nose. "Since you are marrying the King of Hell, white might give the wrong message."

You had nodded, wanting to make sure your dress pleased Crowley. "How about Silver? With maybe red thread travelling throughout?"

The dress maker nodded her head. "That will be perfect, my lady." She then continued to show you patterns, and finally you found one that caught your fancy. It was almost like a corset up top, tight, and strapless, but then the skirt flowed, spreading out. Not as wide as a princess dress, but still majestic enough for the future Queen of Hell.

After your decision, she poked and prodded you, getting your measurements, while you stood there, shivering. Soon it was done, and you were left alone again, but not for long. Soon came in Rowena, her arms full of papers and pamphlets.

"Hello Y/N. My soon to be daughter in law. Fergus decided I could come help with some of the wedding planning. Is that okay?" She asked you, dropping everything on the table beside you.

"Of course. Whatever Crowley wants." You answered.

"Well then." She started, picking up the first pamphlet, "We need to figure out who is invited, and what type of food we should have."

The two of you huddled together for the next couple of hours, her giving you suggestions, you automatically agreeing because she hinted at what Crowley would like best. By dinner time, you had the menu planned, the flowers ordered, and the guest list arranged.

"I know it's all sudden. How is all of this going to get done, by tomorrow?" You asked, worried that it wouldn't, and that Crowley would be upset with you. Tears started pooling in your eyes at the thought, and you wanted, no needed to punish yourself for not being good enough for him.

As you raised the knife they had brought with dinner, Rowena stopped your hand. "Now deary, what do you think you're doing?" She asked you, with a slight smile on her face.

"It will be my fault if this isn't perfect. And Crowley will be upset. And I can't handle it if he gets upset. I need to punish myself." You told her, still clutching the knife tight in your hand.

It was then Crowley decided to join you, and he froze at the sight in front of him. "What in the bollocks is going on here?"

Rowena spoke first. "She is upset that everything might not get done for the wedding tomorrow. She's afraid you will be unhappy with her, so she wants to punish herself."

"Y/N, stop it. I'm not unhappy. About anything." He ordered you, and you automatically dropped the knife.

The next day was your wedding day, and you woke to find Crowley seated in one of the chairs, his gaze on your sleeping form.

"Morning." You said, yawning.

He stood up then, crossing the room to you, smiling down at you. "And how are you feeling this morning?" He asked you.

"Fine, wonderful I guess. It is my wedding day after all." You answered him.

"True. And I have a surprise for you." He told you, before pulling out a long, thin box that had been in his pocket. Opening it, you gasped at the rubies that lined a thick silver chain.

"Crowley, it's gorgeous!" You whisper, in awe.

"I was hoping you would wear it tonight, with your dress." He told you, and you nodded, running your fingers gently along the smooth stones.

"Oh, and that's not the only thing. My guards found these two buffoons making their way into hell today." He told you, and with a snap of his fingers, his double doors opened, and in walked thing one and thing two. There arms were full of struggling, men. One was tall, with shaggy hair, the other one shoter, with spiked hair. He glanced up at you, and for a moment you forgot who you were as his green eyes met yours, darkening as he took in your lack of clothing. That all faded when Crowley spoke, and you turned to gaze upon him with adoration.

"Moose, squirrel, I'm surprised you actually figured out how to make it down here. And in plenty of time for the wedding too."

"Y/N." Dean said as his eyes never left yours.

"Hello Dean." You answered, as if you were greeting an acquaintance, not someone you had loved.

"Darling, why don't you tell them what's happening today." Crowley urged, placing his hand on your lower back. You leaned into the touch, your eyes closing for a second, missing the look of utter betrayal and disgust that crossed Deans face.

"Yes dear. You see, Crowley and I are getting married today, tonight actually." You told them.

"Y/N, you don't have to do this! Fight it!" Dean yelled as he struggled against the tight hold the Demon had on him.

"Alright, that's enough. I just wanted to show Y/N we have these two buffoons in our grasp. And to show them how sweet Y/N here does exactly as I say. Now kiss me." He ordered, and you stepped up on your tip toes, pressing your lips to his, ignoring the yelling and cussing that was coming from behind you as Sam and Dean were dragged from the room, ignoring the feeling in your gut that something wasn't quite right.

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