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"Y/N, come on sweetheart, wake up." Was the first thing you heard as you started to come to. Your head was pounding, and you had a sharp pain on the back of your head where you had been knocked unconscious. You sat there for a moment, your eyes closed as you tried to calm your queasy stomach that your headache caused. 

Slowly opening them, you blinked at the bright florescent up ahead, just as Dean tried talking to you again. "Oh my god, Y/N,  thank god. You've been out for a long time. How do you feel?" 

"Like someone took a sledgehammer to my head." You muttered, wincing. 

"Nah, more like the butt of a shotgun." Sam said, and it was then you realized all three of you were captured and tied up in the basement.

"And we're all tied up? That's great." You sighed, wondering how the hell you were going to get out of this mess. All three of you were trapped, together, while the soulless murderer was out doing who knew what. 

It was then footsteps thundered on the floor above you, and the door opened. In walked the baby sitter, a shotgun in her hand. "Good, you're awake." She said as she came down the stairs. She acted as if she didn't have a care in the world, her smile smug. "I didn't want the fun to start without all of you able to partake."

"Why are you doing this?" You asked as she cocked her shotgun at you.

"Because I don't care anymore. I feel free, and liberated. But you guys just got in my way. And I'm sorry but you're going to need to die so things don't fall back on me." She said, walking closer.

Out of the corner of your eye you could see Sam was trying to break free of his bindings, and you decided to keep her attention on you as long as possible, hoping he could get free. "You know this isn't right." You started, but she turned on you, her eyes flashing full of rage.

"It feels right, and that's all that matters. After meeting that weird girl in the bar, I'll felt good, and powerful. Like I can get away with anything I want. Like killing you right now." She said, holding the shotgun up to your forehead. You froze in your seat, knowing Sam was nowhere close to escaping, and that this was probably your last seconds on this Earth, that you would never get another chance to spend a night in Dean's arms.

You wanted to turn to him, to let him see the love shining in your eyes, but the barrel of the gun was pressed against your forehead, holding you in place. You could hear Dean struggling in the background, cussing and threatening her. Your eyes locked on hers, urging her on, wanting to go out with a little bit of pride in tact, you were shocked when her eyes widened in surprise and her hold on the gun went lax. She took a step back, the shotgun falling to the ground, and it was then you could see Len standing behind her, a bloody axe in his hand. You had almost forgotten about him, and the fact that he had ridden to the house with you. Dean had handcuffed him to the car, but he had somehow gotten loose. And you couldn't be more grateful.

"Len?" Dean asked as the babysitter, Sydney was her name, fell to the floor, blood slowly pooling on the ground below her. Len looks up, a look of horror on his face, just as Sam finally breaks out of his bindings, and he rushes over to Len, who hands Sam the ax with a shaking hand. You hear a gurgling sound from Sydney, and you look down as she struggles to speak.

"The darkness is coming. It's coming for all of us." She threatens, before her eyes go blank, and she dies.

After Sam untied Dean, Dean came rushing over to you, untying your ropes and pulling you into his arms. "I thought she was going to kill you." He whispered into your hair as he held you.

"That makes two of us. Thank god for Len. But how did he get out?" You asked, just as Sam called the two of you over. He was holding Len's arm up, and you could see his hand dangling, the bones broken, the skin bleeding.

"Looks like he broke his hand." Sam explained, as Len shrugged. 

"It didn't hurt that much." He stated. 

Dean just shook his head, and the four of you climbed the stairs, heading outside. Dean helped you into the backseat of the Impala, before he went over to Sam, who was still standing by Len. You could tell they were in a deep discussion, and if your head wasn't pounding you would've climbed out to join them. 

Soon Dean came back, and climbed into the front seat, waiting for Len and Sam to join him. "What's going to happen? Can we really leave Len alone, without his soul?" You asked him.

"We aren't. He gave us no choice. He's going to take the blame for the murders, that way he's safely locked away in a prison cell where he can't hurt anyone else." Dean explained.

"That's sad. I kinda liked him." You said, watching as Dean's eyes darkened in jealousy. "Not like that! But he was kind of a cool guy."

By then Sam climbed into the passenger seat. "Len's called the police. They're on their way now."

Dean quickly pulled the Impala out of the driveway, turning towards the end of town. "I feel bad for Len, that he has to take the rap for Amara. And speaking of her, she is growing way too fast, and needs to be stopped. But, how will we find her?" Sam asked, a frown on his face at the thought of the darkness, and her toll on the world.

"I don't think she will be that hard to find." Dean answered as he drove down the road. "The rate she's growing? And the amount of souls she's consuming. She should be sticking out like a sore thumb."

You nodded, goosebumps covering your skin at the thought of what could happen the next time the two of you met. As your eyes watched out the window, you could have sworn you saw a young woman standing at the side of the road, waving to you as the Impala sped down the road. But Dean turned a corner, and she was gone, and you wondered if you had imagined her in the first place.

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