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With no new leads, Dean had no choice but to point the Impala back in the direction of the bunker. It probably was a good thing to head home, with Cas still being there, recuperating. You could check on him, make sure he was doing okay. Then you could regroup, and figure out your next move. For you, your next move was falling into bed, and sleeping for the next eight hours.

Dean pulled into the driveway, shutting the engine off, but still sitting there, behind the steering wheel. Sam stared at him a moment before climbing out. Bending down, he looked in your window, a silent question as to what to do with his brother. You gave him a smile, tilting your head to let him know he could head on it. You would deal with Dean. Seconds ticked by, and the two of you sat there, quiet. Slowly, you scooted over to the middle of the seat, resting your head on the bench beside Dean's tense shoulder. He didn't even register the fact that he felt you move, his head resting on the steering wheel.

"Dean." You started, picking your words carefully. "Do you want to talk about it?" You asked him.

It took him a moment, but finally he raised his head, turning in his seat so his bloodshot eyes were facing you. "What's there to talk about? The fact that the darkness is out there sucking out people's souls. All because of the fact that I had the Mark of Cain on my arm, and we released her! And now, I have some sort of weird connection with her, and she hates you. I have no idea what's going to happen next, and if she does something to you, that's on me." The words spilled out, like a dam had broken, and your felt for him.

"First of all, it wasn't your fault. If you blame anyone, blame Sam and I. It's our fault she's out, it's our fault she's taking people's souls. And yeah it's eating me alive, but you know what? I'd probably do it all over again, because it means that stupid mark isn't making you into some crazed killing machine. And Amara? I don't think she's going to waster her time on me. It's you I'm worried about. She seems to have this hold on you, a connection that goes deeper than what you and I have." You argued back, a couple of admissions slipping out before you could stop them. 

He slipped out of the Impala, making you think you had pissed him off. That thought was thrown out the window when your door opened, and he pulled you out, crushing you to his chest. "Alright, let's compromise. It's all of our faults that she's out. But don't for a second think her connection with me is anything on what you and I have. We've gone through so much pain, heart ache, and yet here we are, back together. That says something. And she can't take that from us, no matter how hard she tries. I will always love you, even if she does end this world, that love will never die."

You sighed, his words have the desired effect, calming you down. "But Dean, we don't know her end game yet."

His sigh matched yours, as he slid his hand down until it connected with yours, drawing you out of the garage and through the bunker into your shared room. "I know we don't. And that scares me. So much about her scares me. The fact that she thinks you might be a threat. The fact that she has this stupid hold over me. And the fact that she can suck out human souls, and has infinite power. I don't scare easily, but she does frighten me."

Slipping out of your stained clothes, you pulled on one of Dean's t-shirts, before sliding into bed, waiting for him to do the same. Once he was down to his t-shirt and boxers, he slid under the covers, pulling you close to him. Resting against his chest, you lazily drew circles over his chest as you thought. "Dean, I'm glad we've had this talk. It's nice knowing you aren't shutting me out again. Please, keep me informed about what goes on in that head of yours."

"I will try." He promised, kissing your forehead before leaning over and shutting the light off. 

Snuggled up to Dean, you found yourself falling asleep quickly, exhausted from the trip, and from your talk with him. 


"Hello Y/N." A smooth female voice said from behind you, and you could recognize that voice from anywhere. Turning in the darkened area, you looked for the source, trying to figure out where you were. A thick fog blanketed the ground, with dark, dead trees surrounding you. 

"Show yourself." You ordered, as the fog wrapped itself around your legs, climbing up your body, it's hold tight like a boa constrictor's, and for a moment you panicked, needing to get away. But as soon as the pressure started, it stopped and in front of you stood Amara, just like you had seen her the first day.

"As you wish Y/N." She said, tilting her head as she stared at you. "But you did not follow my orders. Why?"

You racked your brain, confusion evident as you tried to understand what she meant. And then it dawned on you, her emphasis on you staying away from Dean. That you were just a distraction, one that she didn't need, or want. "Because Dean isn't your toy to do with as you please. He's my boyfriend, and my friend. It's not your place to order me around."

Instead of being mad like you had expected, Amara threw her head back, laughing joyfully. "Oh, you might be fun to keep around, if you weren't close to Dean. But he's too important, too close to me to have some pathetic human girl get in the way. But it's over now, so I guess I don't have to worry."

You once again stared at her in confusion. "What do you mean, it's over now?"

A movement of her finger was her only answer. But it was enough. It brought someone out of the shadows, and you could only watch in horror as Dean walked through the charcoal gray fog, ignoring you completely as he went straight for Amara. Your heart in your throat, you saw him close the gap, letting her draw him in. With a wink thrown your way, Amara wrapped her arms around his back, pulling him tight before capturing his lips with her own.

A sob broke from your lips, and you wanted nothing more than to fall to the ground. You had never expected this to happen. "Dean?" You mumbled, tears clogging your throat.

He detached himself from Amara, just long enough to answer you. "What are you still doing here? I thought this would be answer enough. I didn't expect you to be stupid enough to not get it. I chose Amara, not you. It will always be Amara."

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