ElfGreen Shippers

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Chapter 2: ElfGreen Shippers

~Third person pov~Boom, that's the sound of the guild flying doors

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~Third person pov~
Boom, that's the sound of the guild flying doors.
"We're home mina," shouted a very happy brunette, Evergreen.
"Welcome home guys," smiled a white haired takeover Mage.
"How was your job guys," asked the youngest Strauss sibling,
"It was great," said freed, sitting down at the bar,
"Hey Laxus," screamed fairy tails famous salamander, Laxus just glared at him.
"Come fight me, lightning freak," screamed Natsu,
"Nah I just kick your ass again, pinkie," at that Natsu got mad and jumped on top of Laxus, starting a brawl.
Bickslow sat down at a table, across from Lisanna.
"Pst Lisanna," Bickslow whispered,
"Hmm," Lisanna mumbled,
"I need your help," Bickslow smirked,
"Yeah, with what?" Lisanna asked, Bickslow pointed over to Elfman and Evergreen,
"She won't shut up about him," Bickslow sighed and Lisanna giggled,
"That's cute," Lisanna smiled,
"Not when it Elfman this, Elfman that, man this, man that," Lisanna giggled at Bickslow's comment.
"Anyway, I have a plan to get them together," said Bickslow, Lisanna smile grew bigger.
"Yeah, what is it?" Lisanna was dying to hear this plan of Bickslow's. Bickslow leaned across the table and whispered his master plan into Lisanna ear. Lisanna had blushed at the closeness between them.

When Bickslow finished telling Lisanna his plan, Lisanna gushed at the plan, she was so excited she couldn't wait to tell her Onee-Chan.
"Do you think it will work," asked Bickslow rubbing the back of his neck.
"Of course it will work," Lisanna told Bickslow excitedly.
"I'll go get Mira-Chan," Lisanna said standing up, Bickslow quickly stood up and grabbed her hands.
"No!!" Bickslow said just a little bit to loud, the guild members in close proximity looked at them. Both Bickslow and Lisanna blushed at this, they both sat down and sat there awkwardly.
"I wanna do this with you alone," Bickslow supplied,
"Oh........ok cool," Lisanna smile at Bickslow to break the tension .
"Let's go then," smiled Bickslow brightly. Bickslow stood up and held his hand out to Lisanna, Lisanna took his hand and Bickslow started running out of the guild, with a blushing Lisanna trailing behind.

•With Mira-Jane and Lucy•

"Hey Mira," said a blonde celestial Mage.
"Shhh," hissed the she-devil matchmaker. Mira-Jane was starring intently at her sister and a certain amour covered Mage. Lucy saw this and giggled.
"What are they talking about," asked Lucy, now she was also starring intently at the cute un-official (but soon the be, well according to Mira).
"I don't know but maybe Bickslow's confessing his undying love for my little sis," Mira was giggling,
"Omg look he's holding his hand out to her," Mira was in full fangirl mode. No one could stop her from watching.
"Oh my god, she took it," Lucy whisper-fangirls at the same time.
"Ekkkkk," Mira shrieked, gaining more attention then needed. Mira and Lucy watched as they ran off into the sunset (well that's what they like to think but it had actually just started raining)

>The Next Day<

"Everything is ready," said a happy Lisanna, she couldn't wait for this plan to come down.
"Great, now we have to make sure he fall down it," says Bickslow staring at his masterpiece.
"Let's go," said Lisanna. Smiling evilly.

•With Elfman•

"Studying is manly," shouted a male white haired takeover Mage.
"Yeah I guess so," says levy and she continues reading her new greatest find, Lucy's new book.
"Hey big brother Elf," says Lisanna walking over to her Onii's table,
"Yeah what's up Lis," asked Elfman turning to face his sister,
"Come for a walk with me," Lisanna asked sweetly,
"Walks are manly," says Elfman flexing his muscles. Elfman stood up and linked arms with his younger sister (much to Lisanna's discomfort because of the height difference).
Lisanna smiled the plan was starting.

•With Evergreen•

Evergreen was sitting at a table that was close to the guild doors with Freed, they were bickering about who Laxus likes better.
"I'm Laxus favourite teammate," said evergreen,
"No I am," freed hisses back at her, Mira walked past and giggled,
"Don't they have this conversation everyday," she sighed.
Suddenly Bickslow came running in. He ran straight for Evergreen.
"Come on Ever I need your help," wined Bickslow,
"Alright," Evergreen sighed, Bickslow ran outside and Evergreen followed.

{One Hour Later}

•Lisanna's pov•

"You big dummy, why did you fall down the hole," Said Evergreen, Ever had just spent the last hour pulling Onii-Chan out of the massive hole me and Bickslow dug.
"I don't know," replied Onii's-Chan.
"Look they're gonna start bickering, haha," said Bickslow, who was sitting next to me in the tree we hid ourselves in. I giggled quietly at the comment. They stopped fighting and looked each other in the face and started to lean in, eeeekkkk. They are gonna kiss. I felt a tap on my shoulder from Bickslow, so I turned around to look at him.
"What," I whispered, I was missing an important moment of Onii's so it better be good.
"This," he said, what I'm confused. He quickly grabbed my chin and placed his delicious lips on my. What hell Bickslow is kissing me, ekkkk. Omg. I wrap my hands around his shoulders and kiss him back. He licks me lip and I let him in my mouth. Hmmmm. This kiss is so good,
"Elfman," shrieks Ever, making us jump apart. Bad move because well, we fell out off the tree.
"Oww," I grumbled, I looked at Bickslow,
He was grumbling about something too. He quickly got over it and stood up and helped me up.
"What are you guys doing here," asked Onii-Chan.
"Um......we were.......we...." I stuttered,
"We were on a date," said Bickslow, surprising me because last time I check this wasn't a date.
"What!!!!" Screamed Elfman, I looked at Bickslow. He realised he said the complete wrong thing. Evergreen saw this too and tried to hold Elfman back but she was failing.
"Quick run," Bickslow said and I did.

{At The Guild}

Bickslow and I stopped running as we reached the Guild, I sat down at the bar and asked Mira for a drink. When she walked away I turned to Bickslow.
"Why did you say we were on a date,"
"Because...." I cut him off.
"Cause If you wanna take me on a date, then you'll have to do better job," I said crossing my arms.
"Oh yeah how," he asked smirking,
"Well I only go on dates with my boyfriend....." I was going to say more but Bickslow grabbed my chin again and smashed his lips too mine. It was an amazing kiss and when we finshed, he rested his forehead against mine. I smiled at him.
"Lisanna Strauss," he said,
"Yes," I replied,
"Will you do my the honor of becoming my girlfriend," he asked me. I was shocked so I pulled away. But I knew not a thing in the world could change my answer.
"I would love to!" I told him, pulling his face towards mine so I could kiss him again. And as we kissed the guild cheered for us.
This is the best day

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