Dubble trouble.

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One of the things we Hunter's learned from a young age is like all creatures these beings had natural enemies and kept their distance from others they deem lesser or stronger than themselves like the mutual hatred werewolves had for vampires and vice versa. Sneaking up to these guys were not going to be easy. Since one of the monsters had a very good sense of smell and hearing.

The warehouse was in a very isolated part of the docks. Most of the block was closed down. Broken glass was littered on the sidewalks of the street. The area seemed completely abandoned so we didn't have to worry about unsuspecting humans.

The warehouse we were looking for was boarded up, the windows covered up with black painted boards so nobody could see inside. We had already decided on what our positions were going to be. My sister had brought extra weapons and ammunition if we needed it. We split up taking our positions firmly focused on the mission. My brother headed for the back while my sister took the front with me,  we headed for the fire escape. I kept my steps as light as possible to not rattle the rails. We were visiting characters with heightened senses so we needed to be extra quiet. They wouldn't come to investigate if we didn't give them reason to. My siblings were waiting for my cue for them to come in. I climbed through a window that was not completely covered by board and managed to squeeze my small frame through without any noise. Landing softy inside I noticed that a large part of the floor had fallen in. Moving closer to the gap I could hear voices from down below. They were not exactly being hush about their evil deeds but not overtly loud either just normal conversational tones. There were six of them standing over a map.
The other were scattered around some lounging around on old furniture while others talked amongst themselves in the corners. Dam there is more of them than we thought.

Looking around I spotted a quick way to descent but it was risky. The industrial chain that looked like a pullet system seemed rusty. Oh well here goes something, I hope this works I grasped the chain wincing as the old metal screeched making me freeze. Glancing down cautiously I was holding my breath and waiting for them to react but nobody moved but they were looking up luckily not straight at me. And just like that I thought the voices had stopped. So took a peek to see better down below when heads were turned to were I was hiding almost like they were looking directly at me. I was beginning to panic when one of them at the table spoke up. "Go check it out." He drawls to the guy next to him. I released the breath I was holding and gripped my gun with determination. It was now or never. The chain was sure going to make another sound and as much as I liked the element of surprise maybe a direct attack would will do. Gripping the chain firmly I leaped, hoping it held up. Sure enough it did and everyone was looking up at me as the chain rattled with me descending from the ceiling. I took aim and fired at the one heading to the stairs first after dropping him the others were clearly still in shock and they still stood around. The sound of the gunshot seemed loud enough to snap some of them into action. But I took aim again and fired in quick secession dropping two more. Perfect. But suddenly one tackled me from behind making me drop my gun. I curse them rolling and quickly getting into a defensive stance. Looking up there was a blonde guy standing over me with a satisfied grin. The culprit that knocked me down I snickered. The others were circling me with predatory eyes that were turning black and flashing ember. "You really didn't think this through human." He just about spat at me." Chuckling darkly as he motions for the others to close in. But my sister quickly changed the tables as she shot down two more from her vantage point giving a girly war cry. "Looks like I have blondy!" I grinned up at him he pulled me up roughly planning to bite me but I let him so I could stab him with the stake I had behind my back. Seeing his surprised face only made my grin bigger. Then all hell broke loose as my brother bursts in guns blazing and lighting them up like the fourth of July!

I love being a Huntress for Primatec!

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