My normal life

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I was laying under the covers for five minutes after I've snoozed my phones alarm clock. Why am I such a bad-ass female huntress at night. (Not my words) But suck major balls at being a morning person. It's only at school that I really have become alive because I felt like a corpse at the moment. I know a lot of people at school but only two I considered my best friends, Angie and Jeremy. There was a knock at my door then someone poked their head in snickering. "Get up already before my omelettes get cold." Just great Mom's away but the babysitter is just as bad. My sister can be very stern sometimes even worse then mom. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror I pulled my hair away from my face exposing my high cheek bones and honey brown eyes. Maybe I should try something new today. I smiled doing every sexy pose I could recall from every teen movie I saw looking very ridiculous making me giggle. Like I'll ever be like Britney Spears. After dressing myself in my normal comfortable clothes I headed downstairs.

After basically speeding through breakfast I felt kind of bloated. "You shouldn't stuff yourself so much Vanessa." My sister says still eating small bites of one pancake that her breakfast consisted of. A apple was place beside her plate as finishing salad I presumed. "Sorry their just so good, anyway I gotta run bye." I grabbed my brothers car keys and jogged out the door before he came down stairs. But he came running out calling my name shortly after I started the engine. But I only mouthed I can't hear you as I turned on the radio smirking. The engine purred to life as I started up the muscle car and backed out and making my way to school. If they let me get my own car I wouldn't take theirs.

Vanessa Stark was popular according to my friend Angie but how and why was a mystery to me. Because I hardly socialised at school. I was on the track team and played soccer but I only did it to stay fit. Besides my hunting training gave me an edge that my coaches loved. But I did notice the hero worship some of the athletes get in this school like the Jocks and Cheer squad. The latter quite popular with the male population. Guys usually liked the pretty and talkative ones more, and some found me a little intense which I found kinda funny. And I really didn't need a boyfriend or had any interest in one at the moment. Now don't get me wrong I find guys attractive but my dad would freak. And he'd probably scare the poor guy away for good. And quite frankly I've never met a guy that I found worthy of taking home yet.

Sports and Academics was everything in my school. And like with every highschool out there the were different groups that forms and go on to be friends with each until graduation and even beyond. I felt so here at school even if they didn't know the real me. I'm just Nessa to them a normal teenage girl and for just eight hours I'm perfectly fine with that.

Angie was waiting beside my locker with earphones in humming along too whatever was on her playlists. Jeremy was probably flirting with some girls or joking around.
"There-she-goes, there-she-goes-againnn..." I turned around and slapped a hand over Jeremy's mouth before he had gotten anymore attention from the student body. His singing was not bad and he could hold a tune but I didn't like the attention. Some were already smirking and pointing at us knowing Jeremy for the jokester he is. "Missed you too, but a raincheck on the solo, OK?" I raised a eyebrow at Jeremy that rolled his eyes but put up his hands in surrender. When I removed my hand he grabbed me for a hug and I hugged him back. It felt so good but not in a sensual way Jeremy was most definitely like a brother to me even thou he flirts with me constantly but that was just Jeremy being himself.

"So what's news guys?" I asked putting my arms around my friends as we walked to class together. Angie gave me a sideways grin. "Well there is a new transfer student, and totally call dips on him." Jeremy scoffed "Yeah heard this guy is some mayor athlete too, at least he'll definitely be after highschool." I rolled my eyes. "Guys and sports is all you two talk about?" Both narrowed their eyes at me but I only gave them a blank look. We laughed before turning in our seats as class began.

In was in my second class that something weird happened to me. Everyone was already seated when a guy entered handing Mr Petersen a note and myself and every girl in class was staring at him I was sure if the gasps all around were any indication. He was tall but not freakishly so. He was the type girls wanted and guys hated or admired. He was just hot... Like Angie would describe with a sultry voice. I shook my head at my thoughts since when do I Vanessa Stark stare and lust after boys like some hormonal teenager? I bumped my head on my table and as looked up and caught his eyes as he walked past me to his seat. He held my stare and my mind just went blank I felt my face go warm and I knew I was blushing like never before. He give me a brief look with a frown taking over his handsome face. Great now he thinks I'm a freak... I had this urge to look behind me but I resisted. "Blake Silver, it that a hot name or what?" Angie suddenly appeared beside me seemingly out of nowhere. Seeing my confused faced only made her grin wider. "Hey your not the only one who spaced out but you should probably try to remember his name for future references, like me calling dips on him." She give a jerk with her head in his general direction. "Whatever Angie, his all yours." As soon as the words left my lips I felt a pang and someone's burning stare

The bell finally rang so I hightailed out of there. Brushing past a few students that were moving way too slow. Was I seriously running from a guy? And then the dumbest thing happened making me laugh out loud making me get a few odd looks from people. I forget my bag. I turned around to rush back when I ran into something solid and warm. Jip ... Him. "Hey sorry about..." My words died out as we locked eyes. They were so beautiful but intense and felt compelled to look away. And that's when I noticed my bag in his hand. "I saved you the trouble." He says almost huskily but his face was unreadable only his eyes that held his emotions.  "Thank you." I said taking it and when our hands touched there was this weird current. He took a step away from me making me feeling kinda awkward being so close in his personal space. "We should go." He bristled then speed walked right past me. Now that was weird. I rubbed my sudden sweaty hands on my jeans before following after him. Great now I'm running after a guy...

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