Bite of Silver.

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'What happened?
Blake asked as the call connected. His father gave a chuckle. 'I'm good too son how are you?' Blake relaxed exhaling slowly.

'Dad I told u to only contact me in emergencies I dont want anything that could be traced back to the pack.'
Now it was his dads turn to sign. 'Son we will always worry about you, plus your mother will not let me sleep tonight if she didn't hear your voice. Suddenly her voice came through on the voice. 'You don't keep in touch as often as you promised Blake Coleman.' She scolded using his full name. 'Any way we are just making sure you are safe since you didn't take your father's advice of having a few guards around.' Blake closed his eyes running a hand through his hair in frustration. 'Mom normal teenagers does not have a bodyguard we talked about this, I'm not the alpha's son around here I dont need protection. '
He wanted to live as normally as possible and not draw any unwanted attention to himself. Soon after answering more questions and making new promises he ended the call. Falling back on his bed he finally relaxed again. His phone beeped with a text from an unknown number, after reading it he concluded it was from Angie, one of the guys probably gave her his number she wanted to know if I was going to join them at my popular hangout. He didn't feel like staying in so he gave her reply stating he was in. The girl replied immediately as if she was waiting phone in hand which was probably the case.


The call was alert of the Organization's intelligence system S.I.R.A notifying all hunters in the area about a male werewolf sighting analysis on its size stating that it may be an alpha. Vanessa blood ran cold with the last pierce of the information, she had killed wolfs shifters before but not an alpha. Instead of fear that most hunters felt when facing one she only had anger that turned into full blown rage. This one was hers she smirked coolly. She finally gets to use her secret weapon.

Jeremy whistled when she met up with them at Jinx a local hangout that had a takeout restaurant and bar n pool table area. Hanging out with them made her feel normal and relaxed. Sitting down in the booth di cool metal of her dagger pressing against her back reminded her she was anything but. She enjoyed the elusion anyway. Hunting gave her purpose and structure.

"U look dangerously hot Ness." Jeremy complimented. "Thanks." she smiled coyly before picking up a menu. Angie suddenly grabs her arm to get her attention. "Girl, guess who joining us?" She asked smiling dreamily making Nessa frown until realization dawned on her. "You didn't." She stated dully. Angie just nodded like those tacky dolls with the lose heads on the dash board of cars. "I totally did and he said he'll join us. Isn't that great?" For you, yes. Vanessa concludes sighing internally. Angie grins showing pearly white teeth. She clearly had on a little more make-up than usually plus her hair was down perfectly curling over her slim shoulders. The girl certainly made an efforts. "Yeah I guess." She shrugged of handedly but the feeling of sudden unease of the prospect of seing a certain guy was foreign to her. Guys just didn't effect her like that almost thought it was nervousness but was hit by the shock of being excited to see Blake Coleman. She Vanessa Huntress of all things supernatural was nervous about a guy.

"Hey guys." He greeted and Vanessa knew it was him his voice already imprinted in her brain. She grit her teeth resisting the urge to look at him. Reading the menu instead. She could feel his gaze on her briefly before he went into conversation with Jeremy and Angie like they were old friends. He made himself comfortable right across from her to Angie's dismay. She had tried to switch with Jeremy but he was to star struck with the new possible quarterback to notice. Blake's stats where so impressive he'll be picked over Treyton if the coach had any sense.

Vanessa gave small talk here and there and in those moments Blake's stare was on her like bright spot light making her skin burn. She took off her jacket at one point and again she felt him feast on her exposed skin. She should feel angry at his blatant staring but this new part of her liked it. Blake got up at a time in the evening looking flustered himself. Angie was pouting because she was not getting enough attention and Jeremy was just gaga with hero worship. Soon they were outside saying their goodbyes.

Her mom couldn't pick her up because she was needed at the organization. She read the text. Great she mumbled. Watching the tail lights of Jeremy's car disappear down the road. They asked to take her home but she declined now she felt plain stupid for it. It was late and there was a shifter sighting.

Blake's car stopped in front of her then. "Need a lift?" He asked sounding casual scratching his head. Vanessa smirked, Blake Coleman was nervous. "Sure mnr jock." She says climbing into the passengers seats.

They were driving down the main road when Blake spoke up hoping he sounded smooth.' Directions to go home miss Stark. Vanessa didn't answer immediately but signed a little tapping her phone. She received a text  and scanned it quickly. Must be her dad. Blake decided glancing her way still expecting an answer. Then as if poked she exclaimed. 'Hey how about a drive around its a beautiful night right?' Blake was a little speechless the light of one the street lamps passed over her face just then and she was beautiful. He quickly faced the road again clearing his throat. 'Sure I need showing around anyway.' He flashes his charming smile before turning left.

They ended up at the peer looking over the dark waters with lights of the town dancing on the surface. Both were quite but they were comfortable. ' Vanessa Stark tell me about yourself. ' Blake suddenly ask staring directly into her eyes. His eyes were a beautiful dark shade of blue that held her captive she suddenly felt the need to confess but she looked away trying to clear her mind of the sudden fog. She only needed to play for time because of her Mother unloading some equipment from the organization but she was really enjoying Blake's company for a reason she didn't understand. She was mad at him for playing her friend just a few hours ago no she was into him herself. ' Well I'm a senior in highschool, I have two older siblings and...' Blake moved closer taking her hand engulfing her smaller one she felt the heat travel from his hand up her arm and almost electric feeling. If Blake was as affected by it he had one hell of a poker face. ' Vanessa dig deep those stuff I can just read in your file...' He smiled softly.

Vanessa closed her eyes swallowing and slowly pulled her hand from his.
' I only want to know more about you, any hobbies? Your story...' He finished eyes still boring into hers. He sounded so sincere she felt bad for what type of person she pecked him at. He couldn't help how people treated or desired him. And this was not playboy talk at all. '
'I like hunting. ' She blurted and immediately wanted to slap a hand over her mouth. Blake only nodded then asked. ' Wow really, what kind? '

Vanessa relaxed slightly. ' U know deer and what not depends on the seasons. That's one of the things we do after my dad passed away four years ago. '

Blake was quite before squeezing her shoulder. ' Sorry about that Ness. ' he whispered quietly both slowly turning back to the dark waters.

Later that night after dropping of  Vanessa, Blake was still restless and decided to go for a run. After two miles his wolf wasn't as agitated anymore resting against a tree he had just enough time to turn his head as a silver dagger flew from the dark and imbedded itself right next to his head in the tree. He quickly stood up releasing a low but deep growl. He felt his right ear bleeding his blood burning the scent hitting his nose hard. One word registered in his mind. SILVER!

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