Marked by her.

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Blake had a small smirk on his face as he regarded her frame a few feet away. Her silhouette was illuminated by moonlight from a the little light that penetrated the tree canopies but her features was still barely visible. But he could clearly see her blue eyes focused with determination. Although her heart was beating a mile a minute she was totally focused on the little she could see of him.

He knew he'd have to be careful about his movements now that she knew exactly where he was. Her hand was resting on her hip, the gleam of a weapon caught his attention when she shifted her stand. Her behavior still very calm and precise on the outside. She was a pro he had to give her her that.

Then something happened that gave him a chance to escape without confrontation. A raccoon scurried between snarling as it disappeared through the undergrowth. He made his move running he was faster in his wolf form but against a human he was certain he could out run her.

But just as he thought he was home free four shots whizzed past his head. Tree bark was raining around him as he rolled n jumped. The trees. His wolf  supplied using his craws his was up and jumping cursing as the bark of the trees was not so gentle on his unmentionables.

He could make out flash lights and yelling from below as he moved but he didn't waste time in putting as much distance as he could between him as the hunting party. Sure he heard stories about hunters but this was crazy these people were pros and clearly trying to kill him.

When Blake finally got to the dorm he was still naked as the day he was born. After taking a shower he picked up his phone. He frowned at the device then shook him head. If I had this with me...

He wanted to tell his family but where did he even start. Telling them about finding his mate that he at first didn't even want or the part about her trying to kill him. He slipped down on his floor locking his phone again. He had to stay away from Vanessa Stark until he knew what to do.


After Blake dropped her off at home. One would expect Vanessa to go brush her teeth and head to bed not too long after. But when she entered her house she walked into a briefing session between her Mother and siblings.

It was decided that the two new recruits would go and scout the area where the wolf was sighted and report back. If they had a visual of the animal they would immediately call for back but maintain surveillance.

The two new rookies were actually active Intel desk jockeys that wanted in on the action out in the field. Their names were Ethan and Lee. Ethan was a guy build like a pro footballer but a had a quite demeanor that Vanessa liked. Nothing more irritating than a talker on missions. Ethan she had worked with before on two missions thou he still needed to complete a total of ten to lose his status as rookie.

After a quickly getting the necessary gear they were of to the location provided by S.I.R.A

"U okay Vanessa?"
Ethan asked glancing at her beside him on the drive over. "Peachy" She says putting in the earphones to stop any more enquiries. Yes her dad was killed by an alpha but she was a big girl now. Not the little girl that cried for her daddy anymore. She only had anger and resentment for werewolf's not fear. And they were not her siblings so she wanted to keep it professional. Ethan was a little to caring in her opinion or maybe he fancied her. She made a face at the latter. Ethan was not her type. But Blake it. Her mind supplied making her scroll through her playlist for a better song something that screamed girl power. How the hell Blake popped into her mind she had no idea but she was going to nip that train of thought in the bud now. She had a mission.

When they reached the area everyone was out and geared up in a minute. Ethan lead the trail into the woods them they slowly spit up in three different directions but keeping in radio contact with clicks and sounds not talking. Just when she was about to call it a night. There was movement coming from behind a tree. At first she thought it as a bear but then the sound of snapping bones and very naked guy made her almost drop her weapon.

He cursed her self for deciding to put away her neck gun. And taking about her dagger. He still hadn't noticed her so she slowly made her toward him.
The boots the organization supplied them with were really amazing like a cats soft paws the was almost no sound on the forests floor.

A big dry leave made her heart leaped when its suddenly crushed under her boot making the guy pause. With no time to close the distance she threw the silver dagger as hard as she could.

A grunt told her it only nicked the guy before imbedding into the tree. The guy faced her growled lowly. His features were completely covered in darkness. He was crouching slowly his head moving slowly to the side like he was listening to something.

Then the second thing that could go wrong happened. A raccoon distracted her while racing for safety. That was all it took for him to escape she grabs her gun and raced after him firing several shots. Ethan came through her earpiece whisper shouting he was on his way. They could see each others position on the small GPS watches they each had.

Soon they were all out of breath and the guy was long gone. The trees and this guys speed was just to much for the them. For moment Vanessa even wondered..."Are you sure this guy's a wolf? " Ethan asks her unspoken question. "Confirmed." She grunted.
"I saw him turn back into his human form."

"Well this was a waste." Lee says taking a seat on a fallen log.
Vanessa shook her head. "No not really, we have a blood sample" She grinned at them.

Sorry for the long wait guys. Covid -19 . And more recently the violence and chaos of the George Floyd movement 2020 is one for the history books.

❤❤❤And remember guys all lives matter. So support our African American bothers n sisters that need ur support n awareness against racism.❤❤❤


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