#imagine: nothing last forever.

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(triggering warning may apply)

"i love you forever and always."
"don't say that, because in forever, it's over and nothing last forever."
"i don't care, i love you forever and always."

3 months later

you were right, it didn't last forever, it rarely happens when you hear those 3 words being said out in the open by every the other couple out in the world. you know that is just a silly little phrase they say in the moment, nothing ever ever last forever. you had proof of that. staring at the couple you reminisce on your forever and always with him.
you didn't break up, you honestly wish that were the reason, no it was a cold night driving home from your date. a drunk driver went through a red light and hit the drivers side of your car and he died of impact.
there was nothing to be done, there was no saving him, no second chance, he was gone and there was no coming back.
you think you're cursed, it happened before with a relative but you were so young when he died you never fully grieved, not like this. it hurt you so much seeing the love of your life leave this world at such a young age, he had his whole life ahead of him. his band moved on without him, they didn't have a choice, after awhile it has been a hard adjustment getting used to it only being 3 members and trying to figure out who will be lead singer. that's when it became to much for you. blaming yourself for what happened like it was your fault, and everyday looking at a picture of him, you just missed his laugh, his jokes, his smile and his scent. when the thoughts of him became too much you would cut once on your wrist, thinking back to that horrible night, looking over at him in the drivers seat one moment smiling and the next you see the headlights on his side. it all happened so fast you didn't have time to react. you woke up in the hospital, surrounded by people and then they were telling you the incident and how he was no longer with us anymore. you should be the one dead, not him. wishing and hoping it was all a dream and you were in a coma or something. but you were always awake mostly when the blood hit the floor in the bathroom.

6 months later

the self-harm has slowed down, after one night hanging out with the band they found out about what you've been doing to yourself they decided to help you get through this. they hugged you for a good 3 hours that night, never letting you go and reassuring you that it wasn't your fault he was gone, and it's okay to be upset. they took all your razors but the one you had hid, and flushed them. but in the last six months you have slowly but surely been feeling better, and not lost in your thoughts about him all the time.

one year

it's been a whole year since the accident and you have come to his grave, you come here usually to talk to him, you'll sit here for hours just catching him up on your life and what he has missed. today you brought flowers, and a journal, you now journal out all your conversations with him so you can look back at what you told him. while looking down at his tombstone you run your hand along his name, feeling each letter of his name and wishing you could be held by him right now. everyday you miss him so much, and while the pain of him not being here is ever so strong you made a promise to him.

"i promise to keep you in my heart forever, you were my greatest love and my forever home. I'll live this life for the both of us."

you sit there for hours, and while the sun is starting to set you realize you have to heal your heart, even if he can't be the one to heal it for you.

"forever and ever baby, I love you."

you stood up and walked away, crying to yourself.

10 years later

you still go to the graveyard every year of his death just to be with him. you miss him truly and you think about him everyday. while you have moved on, you know he is a big part of your life. you look over your shoulder to your car and see your husband in the drivers seat looking out to you with a smile on his face that tells you he loves you with his whole heart, then you take a look in the back seat and see your baby girl looking out at you happily. you give them both a smile and tell them 'one moment' while you turn back to his grave and you just stare down at the plot of land where your first love lays, you don't understand life and how it works but you will forever be grateful for your time with him and cherish all the memories. he may have had a short life on this earth but he taught you values.

"ten years ago today a drunk driver ran a red light and killed you instantly. I've been through all the emotions one can experience while grieving a loved one. i miss you everyday, and that will never change. you have given me the most beautiful soul and love a girl has ever dreamed of and i will always be thankful for you. I love you with all my heart. I won't be around anymore though, we have decided to leave this state and move to the east coast. I won't be back for a while but please know I'll never stop thinking about you. thank you for everything my love."

you place the white rose on his tombstone and kiss your hand before placing it to the tombstone, and as you walk away tears start falling down your cheeks.

looking back at the tombstone one more time you read

"lucas robert hemmings
july 16th 1996 - august 25th 2015
here lies a son, grandson, boyfriend, brother
say I love you to the people around you."

that's the last time you saw that tombstone for awhile.

"I love you forever and always."

and you get in your truck, take your husbands hand and let him drive you away.

"are you going to be okay with this baby?" he asks you softly.

"yeah, it's time to stop living in the past and start living in the present with you and are beautiful baby girl." you smile up at him through tears, giving the back of his hand a kiss.

"no one expects you to forget him, he was your first love, he taught you how to be who you are today. me and Wyatt Sage will always love you and we are here for you forever." he gives you a quick glance and smiles.

"i love you, i am so lucky to have found you. you make me happy."

"momma, me ungry." Wyatt interrupts you.

you look over at your husband and with a knowing look you are on the way to keep the princess happy.

and life is short, so you may as well make the most of it now.

edited 07/02/24

major editing to this story. took out things and added in new things. let me know what you think.
just editing my stories in case i need to use them for a portfolio lol

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