Crazy, stupid, and amazing

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(This chapter is written a bit differently but I hope you guys like it. ps: comment for a shout out)

Chapter 24

Hailey's P.o.V


I was alone on the bus with Ian. It was a couple of hours before his show and the guys were preparing or something. Ivy was at a "house" or wherever she spends her time with Ryan. I didnt. even want to know what they were doing. Probably some gross shit. Anyway, I had one goal right then.

"So," Ian said mischeiviously, "we're here alone. What do you wanna do?"

I sighed, "Look, Ian, I know it seems like I've been leading you on, and I guess it's true. I don't wanna do that anymore. You are a nice guy, but see...I've fallen...for someone else." His face fell. I wanted him to smile and tell me it was ok, but he didn't. "I know someone who would be PERFECT for you. Her name is Maggie and she's amazing. She said she would love to-"

"Are you breaking up with me?" he asked.

I looked down and let out a breath, "Technically, we weren't even together. But if we were, then yes. I have feelings for someone else."

"Who?" he asked emotionlessly. He had a flat expression on his face.

"Nash," I said plainly. I didn't care if he knew.

He nodded. "Well, this Maggie chick, if she hot?"


"Sounds like my type. When can I meet her?"

"In a few days. She's gonna be flying here on a business trip, and she said she'd love to meet you."

He nodded. "Thanks." then he walked off, obviously holding in anger about our 'break up'

*end of flashback*

I took in a deep breath standing before Nash's room. Really, on the bus, it was just a small space with a bed that's closed off by a door. It's not much, but it works for sleeping.

I knocked three times on it. I heard a groan and a mumbled, "Come in."

I opened the door, seeing that it wasn't locked.

"Nash?" I asked. I couldn't see him, because he was completely tangled in sheets and blankets, and his head was covered as well. I stood there for a few minutes, waiting as he fell on the floor, trying to untangle himself. He kept stepping on the sheets and falling over. When be finally figured it out, his hair messed up in a cute way, be looked at me.

"Hailey, what do you need?"

"Uh..." I suddenly drew a blank, even though I had practiced it for the past hour. He looked at me expectantly. "Can I talk to you?"

"Well that's kinda what we're doing."

"Right," I said and sat on the bed. He did too, and looked at me straight in the eye. "Well, as you know, Ian and I...broke up? I'm not sure what to call it since we weren't ever together. But the reason I did that was because..." I couldn't muster the courage to tell him. "Oh, hell with it." I took his face in my hands and kissed him passionately. He seemed very surprised at first, but to my surprise, he melted into the kiss and kissed me back. I'm not sure how long we'd been kissing, but it was long. But it was perfect. From that one kiss alone, I could tell I loved him, and he felt the same way about me.

We pulled away at the same time, but not entirely away. I rested my forehead onhis and whispered, "That went so much better than planned."

"You planned it?"

"I'm not a spontaneous person, so yes. I planned it for, like, and hour."

"Woah, you're smooth."

"Shut up."

"Gladly," he said, pressing his lips against mine once again. When we pulled apart, a question sprang to mind.

"Nash, does thus make us official?"

"Not yet. Not until I do this. Hailey, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Gladly," I said, mocking his earlier reply.

"THAT makes us official."

I giggled. I thought breaking it off with Ian was stupid, until now. I didn't feel like this around Ian, but kissing Nash, it was so...I don't know. Amazing. Yes, we were crazy. Yes, we were stupid. But at least we are crazy, stupid, and...amazing. Yes, we are amazing. Crazy, stupid, and amazing.


Did you like it. Huh? HUH? did you? Cos I loved it. I hated breaking Ian's heart, but any true Beautiful Freak knows what happens with Maggie. Anyway, I love you all.



We Will be the Last Ones Standing-A Hot Chelle Rae FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now