Our First Date

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(This is the last chapter about Hailey I promise. But I had to do it. I just had to!)

Chapter 25

Hailey's P.o.V

It's been a few days since Nash asked me out, and those days have been the best of my life. All the fans support us, mostly because Nash doesn't usually ask people out. Anyways, today Nash and I have planned our first date. Eeeekkkkk! So excited!

The date is at 7:00 at Jasmine's. It's a really really nice restaurant. It's 5:00 now. God, I need to plan what I'm gunna wear. Oh my God! I need to call Ivy! She had a better sense in fashion than I do.

Her number's on speed dial so I just pressed 1 and it rang her. She answered on the third ring.

"Hailey?" She said.

"Yes! Ivy! Hi. Um, me and Nash's first date is tonight so I was wondering if you could help me pick out and outfit...?"

"Can Ryan come?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. Can she do ANYTHING without him there?

"I guess. As long as he's not gonna be a pain in the ass!"

"You're on speakerphone," I heard Ryan say.

"Good. Don't be a pain in the ass!"

"You're one to talk!" He replied. I rolled my eyes again.

"Well, just come over soon!"

"You got it. Love you, babydoll!"

"Love you too, bitch!" I answered.

15 minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring.

"Who is it?" I said playfully.

"Pizzaman!" Ryan answered. I opened the door and ushered them inside.

"Ok! Help me pick out my outfit."

"Hello to you too!" Ivy said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and showed them my closet. Yeah, it's got shit everywhere but who cares?

She and Ryan made noises of thinking. "Hmm..." Ivy said, strain at my closet. "A first date to...?"


"Cool. So you want something dressy but not overly dressy."

"Right," I agreed. She and Ryan agreed on a pink, fluffy, strapless dress that went down to my knees.

"Go try it on."

I walked into the bathroom, stripped, and put the dress on.

When I walked out they looked over and thought for a moment. Then gave me feedback.

"No," Ivy said, "it's too short for this occasion."

Ryan agreed (of course) so we looked at the closet again. There was a dark orange dress that went below my knees and the straps connected around my neck that they told me to pj on. I did, but they didn't like that one either. Finally, after two more tries, they found the perfect dress. It was strapless and white. It flowed to the floor and had a bunchy elastic material at the top which went down to below my ribcage. They picked out sparkly silver flats for shoes and I looked PERFECT. I squealed in excitement.


Nash picked me up at 6:30 sharp. He was dressed in a simple but handsome suit. I greeted him at the door.

"Why hello, Prince Charming," I said, my voice in a higher pitch.

"Hello, beautiful," he said back. I smile and pecked him on the cheek. "You look fantastic," he complimented. "I love your outfit, and obviously you're beautiful."

"Well, thank you! I love this dress!"

"How long did it take you to pick?" He asked. He knows me too well.

"5 times. With help from Ryan and Ivy."

He laughed, "Nervous much?"

"Can you tell?" I said.

"Well, come into the car and we'll get going."


We talked for forever at Jasmine's. The manager was prolly gonna kick us out soon. But it is SO much fun. We talked about random shit and laughed every other sentence.

"So, let's play a game. It's called (I made this game up) Truth or Challenge. All you do is say one truth about yourself. Here's the catch. The "truth" you tell about yourself may or may not be the truth at all. You can lie. I have to guess whether or not it is a lie. If I believe it is a lie, I challenge it. If it proves to be a lie, I make you do one thing. If you were, in fact, telling the truth, you must make me do something."

"Sounds cool by me." (This is all fiction. I have no idea these truths or lies about Nash so I may be wrong about things)

"Alright. You go first. Say something about yourself."

"When I first met Ryan, I thought he was annoying."

I thought abou it for a minute. "I challenge that," I said. He smiled.

"I was telling the truth," he said.

"Dammit! Alright, what do I have to do?"

"Call Ivy and tell her you can't talk right now."

I did do it, but Ivy was a bit pissed.

"Your turn," Nash said.

"Ok. When I was a kid, I was the nerd. I had braids, glasses, buck teeth, and a know-it-all."

He sat in silence, thinking. "I challenge that."

I looked down, "I'm a terrible liar. You're right. I lied."

He laughed. "You have to kiss me." I did, and I enjoyed it.

"Your turn."

"My first tattoo was the star behind my ear."

"I challenge that," I said without thinking.

"Fine. I lied," he confessed.

"Ok, you have to...scream the lyrics to Be A Man from Mulan at a waitress!"

He facepalmed and went up to a blonde chick.




MYSTERIOUS AS THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOOOOOON!" He sang. I literally died laughing so hard.

We played a few more rounds, but it was late and it was time to leave. We got back to the bus at midnight, and slept where we fell. But it was amazing. I had so much fun on our first date.


Sorry for writin in her point of view again, but that was the last time. I swear. Anyway, I love you all sooooooooooooooooo fuckin' much! Xoxoxo


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