Plan B

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Chapter 19

(This chapter is dedicated to @JordynMorgan. Thank you so much girl! Haha! Love all of you. I'm looking forward to the comments for this chapter. ;) )

Ryan's P.o.V

I was driving around town, looking everywhere to see where she could possibly be, but I got nowhere. Then, just when I thought it was time to give up, I got a call from her. I picked up immediately. She told me where she was and that I should go. Of course, I did.

Turns out it was a trap. When I walked up to the warehouse, a man attacked me and I was knocked unconscious. The last thought on my min was 'whoever this guy is, he has my girl. I won't go down easily'

Jason's P.o.V (whaaaaaat!)

I woke up to see Ivy tied to a chair, and I was too. The ropeburn I had was terrible, but seeing Ivy like that was even harder.

Luckily, we had learned Morris code when we were little and communicated fine. She nodded to he left of me, and when I looked over, I saw Ryan completely unconscious there.

When he came in is when I recognized him. But when he came over is when I really recognized him.

"Mike?" I said when he took off my gag. He explained why he was doing this. If he loves her, let her go!

He shoved food down my throat but I didn't want it. I had a plan. It wouldn't be easy but I was thinking I could scoot my chair over to Ivy, since we weren't that far apart, and we could untie each other. I'd have to wait until Mike left though.

Mike had left the room, his heavy boots echoing off the warehouse walls. Once I was entirely sure he was gone, I told Ivy through Morris code what was happening. She had approved so I began to scoot over. My chair made plus sounds, so I hoped Mike was far enough that he couldn't hear it.

My chair made it about half way, and I began to tire. Sure, we weren't that far apart, but imagine your hands are tied to a metal chair behind you back and your legs are tied to the chair too, with only your toes touching the ground. That meant I could only use my toes to move me and the chair. Difficult as it was, I made it almost to her chair, but Mike walked in EXACTLY then.

"Hey!" He yelled. He came over to where I was, crabbed the back of my chair, and dragged me farther away then before.

He slapped me face hard. "DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO ESCAPE AGAIN. Or you will feel the delights of my little friend here," he opened his coat so that I could see the gun he had in

his suspenders.

I swallowed. He wouldn't dare. He laughed at my expression.

"Guess you didn't see that coming. But I WILL use it."

I gave him a rude expression of hatred. He laughed again and left. I turned to Ivy. Even in the dark I could see her face turn white with fear.

A moment later, Ryan woke up. He lifted his head and peeled his eyes open.

I turned to him. I knew he didn't know Morris code, so this plan would be difficult. I faced Ivy again and said through Morris code 'We have to go'

'yes but how?'

'I don't know'

I looked at Ryan because he was making a noise into his gag. It sounded like "I half a poke ice please." that's what it sounded like to me, but relief seemed to spread across Ivy's face and she nodded.

'what?' I said in Morris code.

'He has a pocket knife here'

I didn't respond. I felt relief come to me.

"A hand a play," Ryan said. Or at least that's what it sounded like. I turned to Ivy.

'He has a plan' she told me.

I nodded.

Ryan's P.o.V

My plan didn't exactly include them, and I didn't know hoe to tell them since Jason couldn't understand me. She can't say the whole thing through Morris code. I simply gave them an assuring look. My plan was: I'll cut my rope with my pocket knife, since it's now in my hand, but when Mike comes back I'll pretend to still be tied. When he comes to feed us, I bite his hand and then punch him in the face and knock him out. I quickly free the others and we escape. I don't know how we'll get home, so I guess we'll call the police.

I heard footsteps and saw Mike coming closer with food in his hand. The food didn't look very good. He went up to Ivy first and started to force feed her. She made a sound of hatred. That just made me angrier to see her in danger and not be able to do anything. He made a sound of smugness and kissed her. What? Why? I could see she didn't kiss him back. That made him mad so be slapped her in the face.

He moved on to Jason. Jason looked about ready to bust out of his binds. I'm so glad we have a Plan B. Jason, too, was force fed.

Finally, it was my turn. He took off my gag and I bit him in the hand as hard as I could. He screamed in pain. I smiled.

"You'll pay for that!" he yelled at me.

I pulled my hands out, as I had cut the rope. I then punched him hard in the face, as hard as I could. He fell to the ground, unconscious. I cut my legs free and then freed Jason and Ivy. We left the warehouse and were running down the street when we heard footsteps behind us. I turned around.

Mike was fucking following us!


let me know what you guys think! Love you! Shout out to @JordynMorgan.



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