Chapter #4: The Experiment

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"Oh, but first...", Herobrine paused and went to a table. He came back with a pair of silver dogtags that read: MJL Mayhem. "These fell out of your pocket, when I brought you here", Herobrine said putting the dogtags around Michaela's neck. "This will be your new name, got it?", he said staring into Michaela's or now, Mayhem's brown eyes. Mayhem nodded as she looked at a tray with two syringes on it. One of them had a glowing purple liquid in it. The other, was glowing red liquid. "Oh, you're wondering what these are for?", Herobrine asked with a smile. "Y-yes", Mayhem stuttered. "This one, is the pure blood of an Enderdragon", he said pointing at the glowing purple liquid. "And this other one, is a potion of regeneration. It acts as a pain killer", Herobrine said pointing at the red liquid.

Herobrine then picked up the glowing purple syringe and pointed it towards Mayhem's neck. "Hold still, Sweetheart. Or this might hurt you more than it should", he said as his white eyes glowed brighter. "P-please, n-no...", Mayhem stuttered as she started to tremble in fear. Herobrine then poked the needle into her neck, as he began injecting the blood into her. At first, Mayhem felt a warm sensation flowing into her veins. It then felt like lava as the heat became more intense, making Mayhem scream in pain. "O-OW!!! PLEASE, MAKE IT STOP!!!", Mayhem yelled as she gritted her teeth. When the last of the blood was gone from the syringe, Herobrine took the needle out of Mayhem's neck and put it back on the tray.

It was at this point, that Mayhem began to twitch in pain. "I-it... H-hurts...", she said weakly, her vision becoming slightly dark. "Hold on, I'm coming", Herobrine said picking up the glowing red syringe. He then put the needle in her neck and began injecting the potion into her bloodstream. As soon as Herobrine removed the needle from her neck, Mayhem closed her eyes as she passed out. "Oh dear, I guess the poor kid was weaker than I thought", Herobrine said as he unstrapped her from the chair and picked her up in his arms. He carried her back to her cell and put her down on the floor. "I guess I'll just have see if it worked when she wakes up", Herobrine said as he left the cell and locked the iron door.

To Be Continued...

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