Chapter #6: Not A Monster, Just Changed

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In her reflection, Mayhem saw that she had become half Enderdragon. Her clawed hands were covered in obsidian colored scales that went up to her elbows. Two large Enderdragon wings and a long black dragon tail, which seemed to move on its own accord. Two long fangs that peeked out from under her upper lip. And her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes, were now a glowing purple color. "Y-you turned me into a-a... A MONSTER!!!", Mayhem yelled as she backed away from the mirror and Herobrine. "Oh no no no, Mayhem. You're not a monster, you're just changed", Herobrine said as the mirror disappeared. Mayhem was now up against the back wall of her cell, holding her head in her hands. "This can't be happening... THIS HAS TO BE ALL A BIG NIGHTMARE!!!", Mayhem said. "I assure you, this is real. Also, I'll be right back", Herobrine said as he headed towards the iron door. "W-where are you going?", Mayhem asked. "To get you some new clothes. Not only are the ones you're wearing torn apart, but they're stained with your own blood. I shouldn't be long", and with that Herobrine walked out of the cell.

But Herobrine did take long, in fact it was morning by the time he came back. In this amount of time, Mayhem had fallen asleep once again. When she woke up, Mayhem had a white blanket wrapped around her. She noticed a folded set of clothes with a note on top of them addressed to herself. The note read: Dear Mayhem, I'm sorry to have taken longer than I said. But, you'll come to realize it was worth the wait. These clothes are enchanted so that they won't tear or stain when you transform again. That zombie will be over later to collect your old clothing. Sincerely, Harry O. Brian. After Mayhem finished reading the note, it disappeared from her hands. Mayhem took off her now shredded gray shirt, blue pants, and dirty black and white sneakers. She then put on the new clothes Herobrine had left her. Even though Mayhem was still scared about her little "Transformation", that she realized only happened at night. But, she did think her new clothes were really cool.

Her new clothing consisted of: a white shirt, light gray pants, brown boots, a gray hooded jacket, that went down to the top of her boots, brown gloves, and a gray scarf. Mayhem tossed her old clothing aside. As if on cue, the zombie that had taken her to Herobrine's lab came in to collect them. He locked the door when he left, and Mayhem was all alone. She looked at the door as if she was waiting for someone or something to come through it. Something did come through it, or rather under it. Mayhem got up and walked to the iron door to pick up this something. It was another note from Herobrine. Mayhem read it: Dear Mayhem, I understand you've put on the new clothes I got you. In an hour that zombie will come back to escort you to my study. Don't worry, it's only to speak with you. Sincerely, Harry O. Brian. Like the other note, this one disappeared after it was read. "Once again Herobrine, I admire your honesty", Mayhem said as she sat down on the back wall of her cell.

To Be Continued...

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