Chapter #28: Plan and Dream

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"The plan will commence while I'm at Brimace's. We'll need Leirot to be at the entrance to the holding area so that he can lead Brimace and I through the halls", Mayhem explained. "Can do", Leirot said. "Guards will try to stop us if they catch onto the plan. In which case Brimace, Leirot, and I will fight through all of them", Mayhem continued. Leirot and Kitty nodded in understanding. "Kitty, you might be in our cell, I think your trip to Brimace's was a one time thing", Mayhem said. "Aww, okay", Kitty replied. "But no worries, we will come get you with Leirot's keys. After that, Herobrine might come for us. We will have a choice to run or fight depending on the situation. That's the plan", Mayhem finished. "That plan is so well thought out, it just might work!", Leirot said in excitement. "Yeah!", Kitty said. "All I need to do is wait until I see Brimace again so I can tell him. After that visit, the next one will be when we escape", Mayhem said. "Alright!", Leirot and Kitty shouted.

As if on cue, Herobrine entered the room. He walked over to Leirot and the girls, looking at all three of them. "I see Mayhem is awake...", Herobrine said. "Indeed", Leirot said as he gained his serious tone back. Herobrine kneeled down in front of Mayhem and looked her straight in the eyes. Mayhem stared back as a growl sound formed in her throat. "If you keep acting like you are to me, you're going to have a bad time", Herobrine said as his white eyes glowed brighter. He then stood up. "I'll be in my study, you both will see me in the morning", Herobrine stated as he left the room. "You two should get some rest while it's still dark", Leirot said sitting on a cage. "We will", Mayhem replied. "But, I'm not tired...", Kitty whined as she yawned. "Go to sleep, Kitty", Mayhem firmly said as she closed her eyes. Kitty did the same and Leirot became quiet.

Mayhem began to dream. She dreamed that she was still will her brothers Drake and Armen. She even dreamed that her parents were still there too. Alive and breathing. They were all back home like nothing bad had ever happened. Mayhem felt happy, that everything was as it should be. That is, until everything in the dream fell apart. The house became broken and moss covered. Mayhem's brothers and parents dropped dead, covered in blood. "NO!!!", Mayhem shouted as she became half Enderdragon. Mayhem looked up and saw Herobrine standing there laughing manically with Kitty, Brimace, and Leirot's dead bodies in front of him. "MAYHEM, MAYHEM!!!", someone called out. Mayhem was filled with so much fear that she didn't hear the calls. "MAYHEM, WAKE UP!!!", the someone called out. Then, everything went black.

To Be Continued...

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