Chapter 4

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December 11th

I woke up the next morning not feeling so great. I checked my phone to find a message.

"Sorry I didn't text last night. Parents were being nosey. Be there at 7.<3"

Thank god. I'm glad nothing happened to him. I just wonder if it was his parents were actually keeping him from me or if there was another girl he was seeing.

I got dressed and waited upstairs for him. Once I heard his truck I said goodbye to my mother. I walked out to his truck and got in. He looked different.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, nothing's wrong. What makes you think something's wrong?" he said nervously while backing out of my driveway.

"You're acting a little different," I said cautiously.

"Different how?"

"Well, for starters, you didn't text me last night and today you look stressed and like you want nothing to do with anyone."

"I told you, once I got inside my parents started lecturing me. I have gotten a lot of scholarships for colleges and I'm not even sure if I want to go to college let alone where I want to go. Maybe I just want to wait a year or two after high school to get a job and an apartment before I go to college. I don't want to keep hounding my parents for money. I am stressed. I just want to do what I want to do. They want me to do what they want me to do. I would have texted you after I got done talking to them but I went off on them and they took my phone away and I got it back this morning."

"Trevor...did you tell them how you feel? About what you want to do about college?"

"I did, but they don't care. They think going from high school to college would be the best for me."

"Why do you want to wait to go to college?"

"I want to go to college with you. I don't want you to have to worry about other girls trying to be with me."

"I wasn't worried about that until you said something about it, but if that's what you want to do, I think you should do it. Your 18, you are a legal adult, you can do what you want to do."

"I'm sorry. Thank you for letting me talk to you about this. It's very appreciated."

"Anytime Trevor. I'll always be here for you. No matter what happens."

"Thank you, Dylan."

"Your welcome."

We pulled up to the school we got out and he walked me to my locker.

"You didn't have to walk me to my locker," I say.

"No, I didn't have to, but I wanted to," he replied.

"Everyone's staring at us," I commented.

"No, they're staring at you," he said looking me up and down. I punched him in the shoulder then we laughed and he kissed me. Our first kiss in public.

"Now they'll have something to talk about. See you later Dylan," he said with a smirk then he walked away.

I did my daily morning routine. I waited for Carly but she never showed. Neither did James. I texted them both and got no reply. So I decided to text Trevor and ask him if he's seen them.

"Have you seen Carly or James around? I can't find them."

"No, I haven't seen them. Is it a problem that they're not here?"

"Yes. I have no one to sit next to during lunch."

"I'll sit by you."

"You want me to sit by you and your friends? Ha. I'll pass on that. Thanks though."

"Ouch. They don't bite."

"Fine, I'll sit by you and your little friends."

"Hey, who said we were little?"

"I don't know, who did? Please enlighten me about who called you and your friends little."

"Well, she's my girlfriend and I have fallen and she has helped me up."

"She sounds very helpful, but I don't think you've ever fallen around her.?"

"I didn't fall around her. I fell for her."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, I fall more and more for her every day."

"That's interesting."

"Very. Now, you better get to class so you're not tardy. See you at lunch."

"Bye Trevor."

I walked into my first class and everyone looked at me and then looked at their friends and started talking. I didn't know what to think of it. I just sat down and let them say what they want to say. I started thinking about Carly and how I haven't been a good friend to her the past two months. I've been so busy with Trevor all the time. I thought about Carly and James until lunch.

When the lunch bell rang, I felt a rush of butterflies go through my stomach. I didn't feel like eating anymore. When I got to the cafeteria, Trevor was already sitting down with him friends and he spotted me and waved. I smiled and walked over there. He scooted down the bench so could sit. I sat down and none of them acknowledged me, which I was totally okay with. The less attention, the better.

"Why aren't you eating?" Trevor asked concerned.

"I'm not hungry," I responded.

"Do you at least want a salad? I'd feel a lot better if you at least ate a salad," he recommended.

"Fine, but you have to get it for me," I told him.

"Anything for you," he said getting up and kissing my forehead.

"He really likes you," Trevor's friend Pearson said.

"Yeah," I responded looking back at Trevor.

"I didn't think Trevor would go through with the bet! Now I owe him 20 bucks!" I heard down the table from Tristian, another basketball player.

"What bet is he talking about?" I asked Pearson pointing at Tristian. I had gotten a very bad feeling in my stomach.

"The bet doesn't mean anything to him now, and it's really none of my business. That is something you should ask Trevor about," he said cautiously.

I looked at him and I know he could see the hurt in my eyes. Just then Trevor sat down and put the salad in front of me.

"Here you go ma'am," Trevor said. I was still looking at Pearson. Then I looked down at the salad.

"I didn't do anything bro," Pearson said, "C'mon guys, let's go dump and leave those two alone."

All the boys got up and left. I pushed the salad away from me and looked at Trevor.

"What's wrong? What did they say?" he asked seeing the hurt in my eyes.

"What bet did you make that Tristian now owes you 20 bucks for...?" I asked on the verge of tears.


"Is that all I am to you? 20 bucks?" I said louder.

"Dylan, please, lower your voice, you're making a scene."

"I'm making a scene? I'm the one that's making a scene? I knew sitting by you and your friends was a bad idea. I knew we were too good to be true."

"Dylan, please, I'm so so so so sorry."

"Sorry won't fix this. I don't know if anything will."

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