31. Breaks & Affiliations

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Dominic's POV

"Pancakes or Waffles dear?" Evelyn inquired, pulling out the necessary ingredients. But if I was being completely honest with you, breakfast was the least of my worries at the moment. I had a huge meeting later this morning about my "questionable whereabouts" as of late at Wilson Industries. I guess my father didn't have the heart to tell the company I'd quit, which was perfectly fine with me. I had no problem telling the company myself.

But that scenario was not what I was worried about.

No, the fact that Olivia Evans would be attending this meeting was what had me so worried.

If you need a refresher of who this woman is and what she means to me, I'd be more happy to give an overview.

Let's see, over the last six months I'd used her, played her, made her fall in love with me, had sex with her in multiple positions and multiple places, fallen in love with her, contemplated marriage (though she obviously doesn't know this), hurt her immensely, made her think I was sleeping with her sworn enemy, and had sex in her office... again.

Tricky to understand? Yeah, I'm still trying to understand it all myself.

But if you've kept up with this absolutely crazy love story thus far, you know Olivia Evans has no business being at a Wilson's Industries meeting. So one may naturally ask, why is she attending?

Well, I'm glad I metaphorically asked. I guess now an appropriate flashback is in order:

*Approximately 6 weeks ago*

"Son, please reconsider coming back to the company. I promise, I'll double your pay, get you a better office with an attractive assistant. Whatever you want, I'll provide it! Just make your cost."

I took another shot of tequila. "Father, I don't want any of that! I don't want any women, I don't want any money, fuck!" I shouted into the phone. I just wanted Olivia. Yeah yeah, I sound like a little bitch but until you fall in love you have no idea what it feels like to have it ripped away.

"Then what do you want?" He asked desperatley. That was a loaded question. I wanted a father who cared about my well being more that a job. I wanted to see the woman I thought about every day. I wanted this constant wave of sadness to pass. I wanted to be happy.

Then, brilliance struck my brain like a bolt of lightening.

"How would you feel about a merger?" I asked, already on my way to my father's apartment.

**End of Flashback**

That night, a little light at the end of the tunnel was seen by my eyes. I talked to my father most of the night about the possible mergers, and eventually he caught on to my intentions. The best part was that he didn't even try to stop me. He supported my efforts, and that meant more to me than anything.

Now, was it a little sneaky to form a merger with my ex girlfriend just so I could see her? Granted, but believe it or not that wasn't the only reason I wanted to merge with Evan's Incorporated. Evan's had lost profit since our break up, and definitely could use some financial help from my side.

Yeah, I was subjective. Sue me.

So back to reality, I asked Evelyn for pancakes as opposed to waffles while I watched her make some bacon and eggs.

"Are you ready for your big meeting this morning?" She asked, excitement all over her face. I nodded, trying to act coy but I was just as excited.

"Don't act like you're not excited. Olivia's going to be there, and I know it's been awhile since you've talked." She mumbled with hope. Evelyn was right. It had been about a month since I'd spoken or seen Olivia. After that day in her office, we'd painfully cut all contact off. It killed me not to ask her how her day was, or what she had for lunch, or to see her glorious body. But I never lost hope. Space and time was what she needed, and selflessly I did what was right by her.

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