Chapter One

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( This chapter has been dedicated to Kotkoda because she has commented on this chapter spotting all of my writing mistakes and I am very grateful :D )

I woke up and I felt a gloominess in the atmosphere around the Ark. By now, everyone would be up and at work already, the Ark should be busy with sounds of people chattering and walking. But the Ark is eerily silent. It's because today is the day teenagers get chosen for The Sending. The ones chosen for The Sending are out of all of the teenagers  aged 15-19 in the Ark. Who knows how many there are on the Ark, but the more there are, the smaller your chance to get picked to be sent down. If you were picked to go to the ground, you must have bad luck, even if all of the names are computer generated. You also have even more bad luck, if you are 15 or 16 when you have to go to the Choosing, because since it is every three years, you have to go to the Choosing a second time if you aren't picked the first time.

I slowly pull the covers off my body and I groggily get up off my bed and walk into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and see a very tired looking 17 year old with messy light brown hair and bright green eyes. I have always admired my green eyes. Not very many people have them as bright as mine. I rub a hand over my face and turn on the cold tap. I bend down over the sink and cup my hands under the water and splash some onto my face to wake me up.

I straighten up and look back at myself in the mirror. I look a bit less tired so I dry off my face and head out of my room and into the kitchen. When I walk into the kitchen, I see my mother cooking something at the stove and my father and sister are sitting at the table. My father is reading something on a tablet. I'm guessing that it is the newspaper, since we don't get it on paper anymore. I sit down at the table and it is awkwardly silent.

Both of my parents would be talking to each other about work and such but today, they aren't. Its a very somber mood because both me and my sister are both the right age for The Sending. I'm 17 years old and my sister is 15. There isn't a very big chance that we both will get picked, but if one of us did have to get picked. I would hope it would be me. My sister is too innocent to have to survive down on Earth. She wouldn't last long down there but I would find a way to make sure I go down instead of her.

My sisters name is Amelia Waters. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She looks a lot like our mother. They are both quite beautiful. Amelia has fair skin, she is almost pale, but most of us are since we don't normally see much sunlight from inside the Ark. She is wearing a pretty blue and white stripped dress with a ribbon tied around her waist and her hair was tied into a loose braid. It suited her a lot.

I looked a lot like my dad with my messy light brown hair and bright green eyes. My mother put a plate of bacon and eggs, which was a treat for us, and it may be our last meal with our parents. Everyone has to go to the Choosing. It's in respect though for those that do have to get sent to the ground. I'm just hoping that neither of us get picked. I was halfway through eating my breakfast when a bell rings three times signalling an announcement was about to be made.


Good Morning citizens of The Ark. The Choosing will be held at noon. Please gather in the Hall in one hour. Thank you.


There was a bit of static as the announcement stopped. There was only an hour until The Choosing? Holy crap! My parents let me sleep in. I ate my breakfast, well brunch, quickly and then got up and left the table to go and get ready.  My mum had already laid out my clothing for The Choosing. It's not a very special event but she thinks that it's a good idea to dress nicely for it. I pull on the white dress shirt, and pull up the black skinny jeans and put on my black socks and black shoes. My mother thinks that I look better with skinny jeans on than dress pants. I also prefer it too.

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