Chapter Eleven

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It has been a week since we landed on the ground.

It has been five days since we found out that Asher had killed Uriah.

It has been five days since Asher commited suicide infront of us all.

Nobody has really been eating much since that day. I feel very dirty as well. We haven't showered or washed since we landed. We haven't even come across a lake, river or anything. Just what seems like endless trees. Nobody packed deoderant or anything to not make us smell of sweat.

Once Asher had died. We decided to not go towards the forest and we started heading east. We figured that going east, we would get to the ocean faster than any other way, but it has been five days and still all we see is trees. 

I'm sick of trees now.

My feet are sore and probably blistered. I don't want to take my shoes off because I'm afraid that I won't be able to put them on again. We were all trudging along in silence. Nobody want's to speak, but we will have to start speaking soon. It's also starting to get quite humid during the day, then quite cold at night. I just want to be back in my comfortable bed on the Ark. 

We have no clue where we are, or if we are even going in the right direction. We didn't bother to do the thing with the watch and the sun because nobody could be bothered. We haven't seen anyone or anything since we landed. Just the five of us walking through trees and bushes. I have been assuming that we are going to hit some kind of water source soon, but we have no idea how close we are to anything like that. It hasn't even rained yet, but I don't think that it's the weather for rain. 

We are almost out of water too. We only have a few bottles left that will probably last us the next day or so. But even if we reach an ocean, we will have to do something to the water to get the salt out of it. The water purifyer wont work to get rid of the salt, it just gets rid of all of the dirt and bacteria from the water to make it drinkable. 

We had been walking for another six hours before we heard something.

"What's that noise?" Amelia asks looking around.

"I have no idea. It kinda sounds like something is going shhhhhhfffffroooshshhwoosshffffffrroooo" I try to imitate the sound, but it doesn't exactly work very well and the sound of the others laughing at my attempt joins the weird noise. 

"Let's just go an find whatever is making that noise." Jess laughs and we all walk in the direction that we think the noise is coming from.

After about five minutes of walking, we come across what's known to be a river or stream. I think it was a stream because rivers are wider and deeper. Everyone is yelling and jumping in joy. We dump our bags and take off some of our clothing and run into the water. The water felt so refreshing, flowing over us, like it was washing away everything that has happened since we landed on the ground. Luckily it wasn't too deep because none of us can swim.

We decided to get out and let ourselves dry off after around half an hour of splashing each other and playing in the water. We take out our empty water bottles and filled them up with water from the stream, putting a drop of the water purifyer into each bottle. We were told to wait until the water turned clear again, because when you add the water purifyer, the water turns white until it is clear from anything harmful. So while we waited, we dried off under the sun filtering through the tree leaves. 

"I heard that there were massive cities that gleamed during the day, underneath the sun, and were as bright as day during the night." Jess says while gazing up at the sky.

"I heard that the streets were always teeming with people going to different places in the cities." I hear Jett say.

"Aparently people waaaay before the Nuclear War kept animals in cages for people to come and see, but then there was a massive fight animal cruelty trend and they released all the animals." Zoe says as she gets up to check to see if the water had turned clear.

We start telling everyone about things that we heard from our parents, friends and teachers about life before the Nuclear War. Jess decided that she needed to go empty her bladder so she went a bit down the stream before turning back into the forest to do her buisness. We all started talking again, completely off guard. So none of us hearing a small group of people sneak up on us until we heard a shotgun being cocked.

"Well look who we have here." I hear a familiar voice say. We all quickly stand up and look at the group aiming their guns at us. It's Jacob and two of his friends. "Hello Bastien." He spits out my name as if it was poisoning him.

"Hello Jacob." I try to see if there was any way to get to our weapons that had been dumped by the river, but they were too far away to do anything unnoticeable. 

"You seem to be a little defenseless right now, don't you think?" He says while slowly advancing on us. "Where's your girlfriend? What was her name? Jess? Where is she?" 

"Dead." The lie came out easily for some reason, I tried to hide how well it came out and I hardened my expression.

"Dang, I was hoping to see if I could have some fun with her, if you know what I mean." He smirks and then I see his eyes flick over to my sister. He takes a step closer to me and we are now a few inches away from each other. "I guess she will have to do." 

The second he said that, my fist came up and connected with the bottom of his jaw. I used his distraction and took one of his knives that were attached to his belt. That's when I notice that all three of them were wearing something green. They got into the Snake Clan. 

"You sneaky little thing, but your friends dont have any weapons now do they?" That's when we hear a thud, then another thud as one of Jacob's friends falls to the ground. Jess was standing in his place with a rock with blood on it in her hands. 

She quickly throws the rock at Jacob's face, the rest of us all taking the chance to run to get our weapons from the bank. We start hearing gunshots and grass and dirt kicking up around us from the bullets. I hear Amelia and Zoe scream at the sudden onslaught. We get to our weapons quickly, but see that Jacob and his other friend have made it behind some trees. I quickly attach my gun holsters and take both guns out. I lay down on the ground and just as I do that, dirt kicks up into my face. I quickly flinch away and slide further down the bank, closer to the stream. 

I see that Jett and Zoe were shooting back at the two, and Jess was just getting her stuff together. I quickly put on my pack, before signalling to the other to try to sneak away. Another bullet flies overhead, so I decide to return fire. I hit the tree that Jacob is hiding behind a few times, but most of the bullets go astray. Suddenly, the gunfire from Jacob and his friend stops.

"I want to play a little game." I hear Jacob shout from behind his tree.

"Is it a game that people from the Snake Clan created?" I shout back and I hear Jacob chuckle.

"I'm going to give you thirty seconds to run. Once your time is up, we are going to come after you." 

"What? Just you two? We have five people and you only have two. Shouldn't you be the ones running?" Jess shouts to him as she get's an arrow ready on her bow. That's when we hear Jacob whistle and suddenly, we can hear whoops, shouts and thumps from people dropping from the trees. There are now about ten other people standing next to Jacob.

"One." We hear him shout. "Two."

"Go! Run!" I whisper to the others as we break off into a sprint. Away from Jacob and gang of Snake Clan members. 


A/N: Hey! Sorry that this chapter is short, I had no idea what I was writing because this story isn't planned and I'm just going along with what I feel is best. Plus, I had no idea how to come back from the "incident" from the last chapter. But Jacob has finally found Bastien and now he wants to play a game of hide and seek, but with a twist. I guess this chapter was a filler chapter because I wanted something exciting to happen, and I want Jacob and his gang to hunt out Bastien and the others in the next chapter... sooo yeah.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. A question that I would like for you to answer is: Would you rather me post a chapter once it is finished, or keep on posting on Fridays? (For me it's Friday)

Remember to vote if you like my story, and comment things that I could improve on or things that you liked! Follow me and add this story to your library if you want to get updates for the story whenever I post a new chapter!


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