Chapter Twenty

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(Here is the next chapter as promised! Still really happy that I hit 1K reads!!)

It was around late afternoon when I woke up on the ground. I had luckily not landed on my injured arm, but I was so tired that I didn't wake up from the fall. Not that I was high off the ground. I decided to make my way back to the Lions to see what damage had been done. I hadn't ended up very far from the Clan because I was walking slowly, though it seemed like I had been walking for hours. 

I looked towards the Lion Clan and I saw that there was smoke still rising from where the Clan is located. I started to walk over to the Clan, just so that I can see if Tyler, Jess and Zoe are okay. Also to see what kind of damage has been caused. I still have to support my right arm because of the gash, that has now scabbed over a bit, but the second I moved blood started to slowly seep out of it again.

It took about ten minutes for me to get back to the Lion Clan, but when I got there, I was stunned by how much had been destroyed. I probably should have seen it coming, but it still stunned me. I had only seen this kind of destruction when I was in history class and they were teaching us about World War One, Two and the Nuclear War. I guess the need for destruction didn't leave humans when we left Earth. 

There were bodies, bit of smoudlering tent, chunks from the gate, anything that was here has been destroyed by either the bombs or the gunfire. I couldn't tell who won the battle. I covered my mouth and nose with my shirt because there was a disgusting smell of something burning. As I walked further into the Clan, I started to realise what it was.

It was burning bodies.

I gagged at the sight of someone who had been impaled by a massive chunk of metal and their body was burnt to a crisp. They were completely black from their burnt skin. I had to turn away from the sight or I think I may have thrown up. The smell of burning bodies was finding it's way through my shirt and into my nose. 

I heard a noise that sounded like someone was talking to themselves. I rounded a corner around a smouldering tent and I saw someone who had no legs and was laying on their back staring at the sky. Their lower half and the ground surrounding them was surrounded by a dark red liquid.

They were muttering "The wall will save us all. The wall will be the death of us all.". They kept repeating the phrase. What was the wall? Why have I never heard about it till now? I slowly walked up to the person and saw that it was a woman and they were completely covered in blood and were shaking. I slowly crouched down next to her head, but she didn't look at me. She kept muttering and looking at the sky as if I wasn't there.

"A-are you okay?"

She suddenly grabbed onto my shirt and pulled me down so that my ear was next to their mouth. "The wall will save us all. The wall will be the death of us all." She had whispered, before they let out a sigh and was still. Her hands slackened their grip on my shirt and fell to the ground next to her.

I decided that I couldn't handle this anymore so I started to walk back to the big gaping hole where the entrance gate used to be. I had made it a few steps before I heard the cock of a shotgun and I stopped in my tracks.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I heard a gruff voice ask from behind me.

I slowly turned around to see that there was around six people from the Snake Clan all standing with their guns pointed at me. I slowly raised my hands. I had no way to get out of this.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The gruff man said again, but this time jerked his shotgun at me.

"I-I'm Bastien and I was about ten minutes walking distance away when I heard the explosion. I thought I would come and check it out once all of the fighting had died down." I had to try to lie my way out of this, even though most of what I said was true. Hopefully none of them saw me by the entrance gate when they burst in.

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