Chapter Seven

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+-+ The Day of the Sending +-+

I did not get much sleep last night, which was not a good thing. I could not stop thinking about what was going to happen on the ground. When I got out of bed, I went to my locker to get some clothes out, but they were all gone. Instead there were two set of clothes neatly folded on a bedside table. One had the name Jett Zachary written on a piece of paper, and the other had Bastien Waters. I took the piece of paper off and got changed into the clothes. 

I pulled on the black pair of track pants, a black tight-fitting t-shirt, a black jacket, black socks, black boots and for some reason, a black belt. I saw that all of the other guys in the dorm also had the same clothes as I did. I guess that this is what we are going to be wearing when we get sent to Earth. The clothes were pretty comfortable, and easy to move in. I'm guessing that the jacket will keep out the cold and keep in the warmth during the cold nights.

I wait for Jett to get out of bed and get changed so that we can go to breakfast and wait for the others. I don't know why we don't walk to breakfast with Uriah and Asher, even though we are in the same dorm. I guess they just leave before we do, or don't call out for us to wait for them. When we get to the dining hall, we see Jess, Amelia and Zoe already sitting at our table with their breakfast. Jett and I go get ours and sit down with them. When Uriah and Asher get here, we are all eating in silence. It's not just us though, not many people are talking and if they are talking, they are whispering so that they aren't heard by everyone.

When we finished breakfast, we are told to meet in the training room. When we get there, all of the melee weapons, guns and training mats are gone, and in it's place is heaps of tablets on podiums. Above each of the tablets is a name, and I'm guessing that we have to find our name and go to the tablet. We go and search for our names and once we found them, we found a spot to sit and wait for someone to tell us to go to our tablets to chose what we want in our crates. It's not long before everyone is here and the Commander is telling us to go to our tablets. When we are all standing in front of our tablets, the Commander decides to give us a small speech.

"Hello Chosen. The tablets in front of you are the tablets where you will be choosing what items you want in your crate. Remember, most of the items in your crate will be in a backpack, everything else that cannot fit will just be in the crate itself, so make sure to pack enough things for your backpack. The melee weapons and guns that you pick will come in your crate as well as something to hold your chosen weapons. For whatever you pick to be in your backpack, it will ask you how many days worth of food and water you want in your backpack, the rest if the space will be filled with the other things you chose.  Remember, what you chose now will be your final choice and you will not be able to change anything. You may begin." and with that, everyone looks at their screens and starts choosing what they want in their crates.

I look down at my screen and there are three main choices. Backpack, Melee and Gun. I decide to start with the Backpack option. On the screen, three boxes pop up, the box on the right has how much space is left in my backpack, on the top left is how many days worth of food and water I want, and on the bottom left is a list of things that I am able to put in my backpack. I look at the section of how much food and water I want. I select that and five options show up, 0 days, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days and 4 days. I select the 3 days worth of food and water and see that my backpack is 75% full. With three days worth of food, my bag is going to be heavy on the first day. 

I look at the list of options and I read through them. One clean clothes, two clean clothes, 1 meter rope, 2 meter rope, 3 meter rope, water purifier, 1 empty water bottle, 2 empty water bottles and the list goes on. I see that some people have finished choosing their options and are being shuffled out of the room. I read through the list again while deciding to pick everything based that I have to pick the right items to help at least my sister and I. I chose the rope, a pocketknife, a medium sized first aid kit, matches and fire starters. When I have finished choosing my items, I see that my pack is now 94% full. I select the confirm button after double checking that I have everything I want in my bag. I don't bother with the spare change of clothes because it will take up too much space that I could use for other more important things. 

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