a blizzard

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a blizzard

The windows rattled as hail bounced off their polished panes. A huge blizzard had come about nearly three hours ago and was still coming down hard as if it was just beginning. It was making traveling impossible so Regina was stuck at home alone while Henry was trapped at Mary Margaret's. Henry was supposed to be with his grandparents and Emma for a few hours, but when the storm started, there was no way for him to come home. However, with the few exchanged phone calls, Regina was informed that Emma was not present at Blanchard's apartment. She could be anywhere, even in the blizzard, and Regina was dreading that.

She shuffled into the kitchen wearing her fuzzy white slippers and put a pot of water on the stove for hot chocolate. The house was reasonably warm but there was something about snow that made her want to drink hot chocolate and read a book.

As she thought through her book choices she got interrupted by loud noise. It sounded like it came from the front of the house. At the same time as the noise the electricity went out.  Regina's heart began to race. She flipped the switch a couple times to try and see if it would magically come on again but it didn't.

She grabbed a butcher knife from the kitchen drawer and slipped silently into the other room. Regina swore the door was locked before but somehow it was wide open and snow was blowing in quickly.

Snow and wind couldn't have pushed it open because the door was built to restrain hard winds.

Cold air wrapped around her and traveled up her spine.

Someone must've broken in.

"Who's there?" Regina demanded.

"It's me." Said a familiar voice.

Regina sighed in annoyance.

"Emma. What are you doing here?" She asked. "And how did you get in?"

It was still dark and Regina couldn't see where Emma was. Until she heard a thud and a groan coming from the right of her.

"I made a key." she said. "Can't you turn the lights on?"

"The power went out. Hold on. "

Regina waved her hand above her head and small specks of lights appeared. They were about as small as ping pong balls and they floated around like fire flies.

"How'd you do that?" Emma asked as she stared up at the tiny lights.

"What are you doing here?" Regina asked again, avoiding Emma's question.

Emma closed the front door and began slipping off her coat.

"Well. If you haven't noticed, there's a blizzard happening right outside your door, and it's not necessarily good weather to be taking a walk in an-"

"Okay... I get it." Regina interrupted.

Regina looked at the blonde intruder. She was looking up at the lights again and something sparked in the pit of Regina's stomach.

Emma really looked beautiful in this light and Regina couldn't help but smile at this curious creature who had entered her home. Emma looked down from the lights.

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