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It was a Saturday morning and Emma was hungry for a really good book to devour. She had read basically half of the books at her library and was desperate to find something new and exciting to read. She searched and searched and searched non-stop.

After about thirty minutes she became impatient and set off to find a staff member who could help.

Emma turned into an aisle in the children's section when she finally spotted someone who was part of the library staff.

"Um, excuse me, ma'am!" She shouted to the end of the aisle.

The woman turned and scowled at Emma. "I'm going to have to ask you to never do that again." She said.

Emma gave her a dirty look. Why was she being so rude?

"This is a library, first of all. There is a rule about being quiet for those who are reading, studying, and or working. So please, don't do that again." The woman continued.

Emma could feel her face turning red. She forgot that she supposed to be quiet.

"I'm sorry. I forgot. " Emma told her.

"Of course." The lady said with a hint of sarcasm. "What can I help you with?"

Emma looked down at this woman's name tag which read "Regina" and scribbled in pen underneath "The evil queen"

"Well, Regina the evil queen," Regina smiled. "I'm trying to find a good book to read but I can't find anything interesting enough. Can you help me?"

"It depends. What kind of books do you like to read?"

"Interesting ones. Ones with adventure and suspense and death and sometimes magic and something that gives a lot of imagery... kind of. I don't know about the imagery thing. But I've read basically all the books here and can't find anything else. "

"What about the Harry Potter books, have you read those?"

"Never heard of it. "

Regina looked ashamed. "How have you not heard of Harry Potter?" She asked, then started walking down the aisle.

Without thinking, Emma followed. Regina lead her to a bookshelf a couple rows down and pulled the first book of the shelf.

"I suggest starting with the first one because that makes sense. I've heard it's an amazing book, but -"

"Have you read these?" Emma asked abruptly, interrupting Regina.

"I- No, I haven't. Why?"

"Why are you suggesting it to me then?"

Regina just shrugged her shoulders.

Emma took the book from Regina and flipped to the first page.

After reading a bit of the first paragraph she looked up at Regina.

"Seems pretty boring. I don't like it. "

"Bu- but you haven't even read it!" Regina whisper yelled. She snatched the book from Emma and flipped through the pages. "These books are the best books ever written. You can't just read two sentences and base the whole book off of that. It's-"

"But I thought you've never read them..." Emma smiled.

"I-I..." Regina stumbled over her words and then stopped trying. She had been found out.

Emma just started laughing hysterically. "You're such a nerd."

"I am not. "Regina said. She shoved the Harry Potter book back into Emma's arms and turned to walk away.

"You are too,"

"I am not,"

"Are too,"

"Am not,"

Regina turned around again to give Emma a dirty look when shushing sounds started coming from all directions.

Emma laughed quietly and so did Regina.

"Ok. So what if I am?"

Emma just laughed. "Aren't these things movies?" She asked.

" I though you'd never heard of Harry Potter..." Regina said with a mirthful look.

"I've heard of the movies,"Emma said.

"You haven't watched them have you??" Regina asked.


Regina took a deep breath. " Ok. Good."

Emma laughed, "Nerd."

"Yea yea, whatever,"

Emma carried her books to the front desk and checked them out and Regina and her talked for a bit more.

"Hey, maybe when I finish all the books we could watch all the Harry Potter movies or something. " Emma suggested.

"Uh. Yes!" Regina replied.

They both laughed and continued talking about books they enjoyed... and other stuff.


I thought this idea was pretty good...

I don't know. Maybe just me.

I just finished the last Harry Potter book and it was soooooooo goooooddddd (insert a million heart eye emojis here)

But I hope you enjoyed this swanqueen story, I'm sorry it's a little short but this idea came out of nowhere and so I just rolled with it till I felt like it was a good place to end it. :)))))

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{last updated : 10. 23. 2017 }

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