the letter

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a letter

Dear Emma,
I'm leaving town for a bit and I need you to know why. I need you to know why I've been so distant lately; With you and with everyone.

Ever since Robin died, I've had a hole in my heart that I couldn't fill. I tried everything...


And then one day you showed up. You made me feel loved again. You made me feel something that I haven't felt since Robin passed and I clung to the feeling for dear life.

So like I said, I'm leaving town for awhile. I've fallen in love with you and it's too painful to stay. You and Killian are so happy and I wouldn't want to take that happiness from you no matter what or ruin what we have. So I'm leaving to give myself some time to figure things out. By the time you read this I'll be out of town and off the grid.

Just thought you should know...

W̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶,
Yours truly,

The doors to Granny's diner opened and Regina looked up. Emma walked in with Killian's hand in hers. She was smiling and laughing with Killian and Regina couldn't help but smile at them. She looked down at her letter and slowly crumpled it into a ball.

Regina stood up and headed for the door, tossing the paper into the trash can on her way.

"Hey, Regina," Emma said. Regina turned halfway to show she was listening and Emma continued. "Killian and I are going to go watch the meteorite shower tonight, do you want to come with us?"

Regina's heart broke a little. "I'd love to, Emma, but I have plans already." Regina said calmly, trying to keep her voice from breaking. This was the last time she planned to see Emma.

Regina turned around more and looked into Emma's eyes. She needed to leave quickly but she needed this. She needed to get one last look.

Emma continued. "oh okay... well, I'll see you later?"

Regina smiled softly and left without another word and climbed into her car. She started the engine and waited for it to heat up a bit, and then drove off without looking back.

-i hope you enjoyed this super short one shot

-part two coming later :)

-vote. comment. request. 💕

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