Prologue: Emma

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It seemed to come all out of some cliché movie—except it was real and my life. The fact that I didn't heed the warnings my boss drilled into my head. Watch out for the wolves, Lilli, they're rabid and got rabies. Go out the front instead of the back. You never know what you'll find in those blasted woods. I totally dismissed the fact that there was a forest at the back of the convenience store I worked out. A WOLF'S NATURAL HABITAT. I walked through the goddamn wolf-infesting woods to get home!

"You can lock up tonight, right, Lilli?" Dave questioned concernedly, leaning on the counter, staring at me as he said this.

I looked at him with a frown through the small space dividing the sun chips and the lays chips. "Of course I can—why wouldn't I be able to?"

Dave fidgeted a tad then finally answered, "There's been serval reports on attacks by wolves.. and you know they could be lurking about anywhere. Especially around here." He empathized.

I nodded slowly, placing the final Twix bar in its case before stuffing it in my pocket. "Right, wolves." I muttered. "You can count on me!" I declared.

"Oh and Lilli?"

I gazed at him expectantly.

"Put that Twix bar back. You're ruining the symmetry."

I rolled my eyes, "Who are you? Death the Kid? You and your stupid OCD. And I'm keeping the diabetes, thanks."

"Bye Lilli."

"Bye jackass."

I was highly surprised he could put up with my shit this long. I mean, no one could, he accomplished the impossible and now I shall go to Michael's and buy stupid shit to make him a trophy.

I, outrightly unafraid of oversized dogs, confidently walked out the back exit, confidently. Only to be met with the most mystifying green glowing eyes I've ever seen in the far far distance. I felt this immediate feeling of warmth and happiness flush over me, and before I could process how these emotions entered my system, wolves left and right began to attack me.

I fell on the ground as all of the animals started tearing at my clothes to get to my flesh, I was guessing. They struck their paws down on me and draw blood from places like my arms, wrists, legs and ankles. Anywhere were even the slightest bit of skin was showing. Tears began to hopelessly drip down my cheeks and a small sob of pain escaped my lips.

The tallest of them came from behind them and growled loudly, causing each and every wolf to kneel and bow their heads in submission. I gasped as it neared me, I squeezed my eyes shut and prepared for a bigger attack. All I received was a whimper. I reopened my eyes to see the wolf's ears drooped in sadness. I stared at them in mild confusion, and attempted to stand but only fell right back on my bum.

My body seemed drawn to the strangely friendly wolf, while my mind screamed, RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN. I finally managed to get on my feet and take off running. The white wolf behind me howled long and loudly, and every one of the wolves that were submitting to the larger white wolf began chasing after me. I let out a scream while tears profoundly began streaming down my cheeks. One of them bit onto my ankle and I tripped over and tree root and smacked my head on the ground.

||third person perspective||

Kaden was absolutely angry. No, not angry, pissed, furious, enraged. His idiot pack members attacked their Luna, his mate. Gingerly taking her in his arms he began to stalk predatorily towards the pack house.


I FINISHED, Lets_Go_Beyond


(Lilli is 17 literally about to turn 18. Kaden is 23)

I wrote this story on @AproudFish and never continued it. So, I'm not "stealing". And if I am, I'm stealing from myself.

This is a conjoined account (with headrot + Lets_Go_Beyond ) FOLLOW US 4 HARRY POTTER FANFICS + DOCTOR WHO + WERID ASS SHIT.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2016 ⏰

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